Global Warming My Ass

Global Warming is a completely natural phenomenon. On Earth, greenhouse gases have kept the planet a good deal warmer than it would have been w/o. Global Warming is cyclic. When there is too much C02 in the atmosphere, it gets warmer and more H20 becomes gaseous and sits as water vapor in the atmosphere. H20 is also a greenhouse gas (as water vapor). As a result of higher temperatures, there is more rainfall and precipitation (weathering) which in turn pulls C02 (and H20) out of the atmosphere and deposits it back on the surface in rocks (such as limestone) which then locks the carbon on the surface. As more C02 is removed from the atmosphere, it becomes cooler. When it is cooler, there is much less precipitation because there is much less H20 in the atmosphere and the C02 in the atmosphere does not get removed. However, carbon that is locked in limestone and rocks is continually recycled into the atmosphere by volcanic activity. So after a while, carbon builds up in the atmosphere once again and it becomes warmer, which then triggers more precipitation and so on and so forth. This is the basis for Earth's Ice Ages and cyclic periods of global warming.

In the beginning of our Solar System, the Sun was 20-30% dimmer than it is today due to the physics of a star's combustion. Greenhouse gases are what kept the Earth warm enough for life to develop. Plate tectonics are also an important factor in Global Warming, without which carbon would not be re-introduced to the atmosphere.

Greenhouse gases have been with the earth since the beginning of its atmosphere. However, as the Sun continues to get brighter, Earth will get hotter, which will eventually disrupt the cycle enough to create a runaway greenhouse gas problem (estimated around 1 billion years from now). This is the real Global Warming issue.

Venus is a perfect example of a planet with a runaway greenhouse gas problem. Venus
is quite similar to the Earth and is considered Earth's twin. However, Venus has no way of keeping its carbon in balance and as a result has a huge gaseous atmosphere at temperatures high enough to melt lead.

It is safe to say that humans are directly responsible for the huge increase in atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases in our atmosphere today. This can't be good. Push the cycle far enough out of balance and we will end up with our own runaway greenhouse gas problem and end up like Venus. Nobody wants that.

Just my two bits.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm still learning.
it's high noon and in the 40's. there is snow on the hills. snow on the ground at 2000 feet. they say it will be down to 1000 feet in the next 2 days. i'm gonna go out and get some pics sometime this week. it's too cold right now.

when's it supposed to get HOT? :confused::confused:

Poor guys its been sunny and 70-80's all week
6 billion people.. 8 billion ppeople.... more people in the past 100 years than HAVE ever dwelled on the earth since god created it in 7 days (LOL)...

Now 1 billion SUVs drinking the BLOOD of momma earth...

its all natural...


of course its natural... everything is natural...

that does not mean that we can't change WHAT is natural..

stop defending your ignorance....

just accept that things are fooked up and start to work on making it better..

what are you afraid of?

6 billion people.. 8 billion ppeople.... more people in the past 100 years than HAVE ever dwelled on the earth since god created it in 7 days (LOL)...

Now 1 billion SUVs drinking the BLOOD of momma earth...

its all natural...


of course its natural... everything is natural...

that does not mean that we can't change WHAT is natural..

stop defending your ignorance....

just accept that things are fooked up and start to work on making it better..

what are you afraid of?


Letting you think your right. It's dangerous.
In fifty years liberals will be telling us that we all need to be carbon positive, for the future of the earth, if their desired warming trend reverses, and they won't even bat an eye.:mrgreen::mrgreen:
In fifty years liberals will be telling us that we all need to be carbon positive, for the future of the earth, if their desired warming trend reverses, and they won't even bat an eye.:mrgreen::mrgreen:

stop seeing the world as liberals and conservatives and see what is...
ever heard of the SUN? maybe we should build a giant shade to block out the sun so the earth stays cooler?

what ya think?

ever heard of the SUN? maybe we should build a giant shade to block out the sun so the earth stays cooler?

what ya think?


I think I've never heard you speak so logically. The Sun IS the determining factor in the worlds temperature, current and future. Variances in the Suns output negate all other factors, when it comes to brass tacks. And everyone knows the Suns a Conservative.
i have no idea... i don;t even know what political means?

I try not to dissect things that are perfect when they are whole...


Therein lies the problem. When you realize it is entirely political in nature, this debate, come talk to me. Or don't.
Therein lies the problem. When you realize it is entirely political in nature, this debate, come talk to me. Or don't.

oh cool thanks.... I was wondering why I was so lost and far out in left field....

it especially makes sense now that i know it is "political in nature" ....

fook... that really clears it up for me.....
oh cool thanks.... I was wondering why I was so lost and far out in left field....

it especially makes sense now that i know it is "political in nature" ....

fook... that really clears it up for me.....

Wow, again with the lucidity. And no "I love you" even. Cool man! :mrgreen:
I think I've never heard you speak so logically. The Sun IS the determining factor in the worlds temperature, current and future. Variances in the Suns output negate all other factors, when it comes to brass tacks. And everyone knows the Suns a Conservative.

That's funny... i always thought it was the world that was the determining factor of the worlds temperature... BUT it is just the sun....

ah ha.. now I get it.... thanks again for the brilliance and deep perception you bring to those that are still grappling at the big ideas of life...

Is is my mom or my dad that is repsonsible for my existence... or is it my grandparents... or is it the sun......

oh.. now I am all confused.. again.. can you give me a formula or teach me how to think like you... so I can have all the answers too...? please ?

Im a pothead to tell the truth. I do not agree with the government stripping innocent people of their rights and freedoms but as long as they dont come fucking with me personally i dont give a fuck.