glow of red spectrum lights


Well-Known Member
Red spectrum lights clearly have a reddish aura to them.

after time... is it just me or do the lights tend to be less reddish?

i feel as though the lights are getting more of a white glow to them... am i just used to them or is this possible that they turn color over time...

its been maybe 2 months so idk


Well-Known Member
maybe your used to them?

but i don't know how long they are good for, sorry :(

i guess they would've decreased slightly over 2 months?


Well-Known Member
i may be used to them... i thought that at first... maybe i just have to put some blue specs in there and test the difference


Active Member
I'm the same, i thought my light was losing life until i added my veg light for comparison, turned out i'd gotten used to the red light and was nearly blinded by the brightness of my veg light. I also, for the first time, noticed how blue the veg light is, just seemed really white to me before i'd compared.