Well-Known Member

Looks: incredible. Frosty as fuck....nice greens and purples and orange hairs... 10/10
Smell: LOUD...body odor type smell to it....gym socks....nasty (in a good way) type of smells....different than my go-to fruity and candy types....but in a good way....10/10
Taste: Basically a Body Odor type taste, with an almost carbonated flavor that isn't as strong as the body odor, but is there and very interesting, really cool experience because it does almost taste like a sweet soda just very lightly compared to the body's a very smooth smoke....burns perfectly in a joint....7/10 purely off flavor, I'm not big into body odor flavor although it's not bad tbh lol
High: first let me put a disclaimer that there are LOTS of indica and indica dominant strains that just flat out don't get me high....then there's rare indicas that I absolutely love (looking at YOU, Blue Magoo) for sedating effects......THIS is one of the ones I LOVE....don't get me wrong, I'm not high outta my fucking mind....but I'm very relaxed, it's perfect for video games or watching TV....and it's not terrible for sleep either, but won't necessarily put you to sleep.....this bud is basically good for all lazy activities, sleep included.....I'm huge on sativas, but I'm glad I decided to grab this. 9.5/10
Overall: this is just an excellent cross....excellent strain....excellent high....excellent looking....excellent smelling....the only downpoint for me is flavor and that's even got some really interesting things going on, but flavor is SO subjective....I do really like the flavor, despite it being the lowest scored category I'm giving this a 9.3/10.