GMO Yeast To Make THC

the aparition

Well-Known Member
Why reinvent the wheel? Give me the real thing the way mother nature provided it to us first.

This just makes it easier for big pharma to mass produce and "tweak" it so they can poison us.


This I would actually consider an ethical use of a genetically modified organism. These organisms are designed to produce a primary target or perhaps series of target compounds in a laboratory or industrial bioreactor; totally sealed from the outside world. Hydrocodone (Vicodin) itself for example has an expired patent. The organism itself may be under patent, but it would definitely have to be cost-effective to be marketable. It's likely better for the environment requiring less complex procedures and chemical inputs. Also they already produce various pharmaceuticals in this manner.

If they did any "tweaking" to the chemical structure of hydrocodone it sort of ceases to be hydrocodone.

the aparition

Well-Known Member
Good points but I was referring to the THC portion if the original post. I don't use hydrocodone. However, to those that do, enjoy! :mrgreen: