Gnat Killin please help

I have fungus gnats that are Azamax resistant in coco. I have heard Bayer Advanced Insect Control works well. Does anyone know how much to mix per gallon for a watering application? All the info I have found is for a foliar spray.


I have not tried that. I use Mosquitto Dunks. Google them, they kill the W.F. in the larva stage (or egg, I forget)

Either way, Use some Neem oil to kill the adults and the mosquitto dunks to kill the young and you will never see or hear from them again

(knocks on wood)


Active Member
Read my old post it works i promise :D All you need is dish soap and vinegar. This your first time with coco? I hear a lot of coco growers gets nats like almost permanently
Lol I will happily put up with the gnats in the coco for a 20% increase in yeild. As for the gnats you can use nematodes to kill the young and put dichotamous earth on the top of the coco. It shreds their exoskeleton when they try to enter or leave the soil. No chems no oils needed. If they are bad use double sided tape around your pots or screens, they cant resist it. Good luck and happy cultivating
just ran into these little buggers, took care of em with a hydrogen peroxide flush(tsp/gallon water) and then covered the dirt in a thick layer of sand for a weeek or so. haven't seen em since...
Lol I will happily put up with the gnats in the coco for a 20% increase in yeild. As for the gnats you can use nematodes to kill the young and put dichotamous earth on the top of the coco. It shreds their exoskeleton when they try to enter or leave the soil. No chems no oils needed. If they are bad use double sided tape around your pots or screens, they cant resist it. Good luck and happy cultivating
yeah I will look for dichotamous earth. I'm still battleing them.


Well-Known Member
If in soil you could cover the top of the soil with decorative potting sand. Fungus gnats only live in the top 1/4-1/2" of exposed soil. The sand dries out too fast, and the new eggs that are laid will desiccate long before they can hatch. I'm sure all the chemicals and stuff work as well, I always try non-chemical solutions before I resort to chemicals though :)


Well-Known Member
If in soil you could cover the top of the soil with decorative potting sand. Fungus gnats only live in the top 1/4-1/2" of exposed soil. The sand dries out too fast, and the new eggs that are laid will desiccate long before they can hatch. I'm sure all the chemicals and stuff work as well, I always try non-chemical solutions before I resort to chemicals though :)
Well if it happens in soil then simply stop over watering. When it comes to soil growers gnats are a sign of over watering, which is why coco growers get them alot because they are frequently watering their plants (almost on a daily basis for some growers) So its constantly a damp wet environment which the gnats love.


Well-Known Member
Well if it happens in soil then simply stop over watering. When it comes to soil growers gnats are a sign of over watering, which is why coco growers get them alot because they are frequently watering their plants (almost on a daily basis for some growers) So its constantly a damp wet environment which the gnats love.
Most things aren't this one sided unfortunately. I can guarantee you I'm not over-watering, but it's also likely that you live in a completely different environment than the OP or myself, or others. There are also other factors that can cause it, completely unrelated to a grow. For someone it could be an outdoor pond. For me it's more than likely the nearby aquarium moisture. Anyway, I only point this out because your post seems to indicate that there is only one reason I, or others, might have gnats, and it simply isn't that black and white. If I were to take your advice and cut down on watering I'd be doing harm to my plants, since they already get pushed fairly far to the dry side.


Most things aren't this one sided unfortunately. I can guarantee you I'm not over-watering, but it's also likely that you live in a completely different environment than the OP or myself, or others. There are also other factors that can cause it, completely unrelated to a grow. For someone it could be an outdoor pond. For me it's more than likely the nearby aquarium moisture. Anyway, I only point this out because your post seems to indicate that there is only one reason I, or others, might have gnats, and it simply isn't that black and white. If I were to take your advice and cut down on watering I'd be doing harm to my plants, since they already get pushed fairly far to the dry side.
I agree I have gnats and I do not over water, my pots are always light and finger can push though the first couple of inches in the soil before i water i think i got them from my friends grow since i got a plat from him and he thought he had them (i did inspect the clone before i took it on and no signs) but i have them now and would not like to use oil maybe the sand dish soap and vinager


Well-Known Member
Diatomacious Earth is the correct spelling. Good stuff. Sand on top also works very well. Although I seem to constantly have

OR get one of these...great fun, invite your friends round and have a competition:-P (oh yeh, we don't tell anyone we grow do we, doh!)!!!:sad:



I just heard that pyrethrins in a very concentrated form will kill them gnats. These gnats are identified as the same species that devastated Europes wine industry.They are hard to kill. Try to find a 46% or higher concentration.