Gnat problem, what to do in Coco?


The last few grows I've done in coco and I keep getting gnats (which I guess are the same thing as fruit flies?). I've bought sticky traps, and while that does catch some of the adults, it hasn't solved the problem. I've read through a bunch of threads on here and see that people like using AxaMax, Gonats, H2O2, and anything with Bti in it in order to kill the larvae. I've also seen putting sand or DE on the top seems to help, but I'm worried that's gonna get messy and screw with my PH. I know drying out the medium as much as possible will help, but since I'm in coco I don't want to it getting too dry because that seems to cause nutrient lockout.

So, I'd like to buy something asap to help kill all these little bastards! Anyone here have success using any of these products in coco? Also, I can't get any of this stuff locally, with the exception of H2O2, so what's one of the better online stores for these products? Amazon seems to have most of it, but maybe not the best prices?

Any help would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Buy Mosquito Dunks from the hardware store or Home Depot. Crush up about half of one in a 5-gal bucket of water, and let it soak overnight. Drench them with this a few waterings in a row and you will break the life cycle of the gnats. It shouldn't affect your pH.

I you don't want to worry about pH anymore, try mixing up some organic soil. My pH meter has been collecting dust for over a year now and my plants are healthy as ever.


Thanks for the replies.

Buy Mosquito Dunks from the hardware store or Home Depot. Crush up about half of one in a 5-gal bucket of water, and let it soak overnight. Drench them with this a few waterings in a row and you will break the life cycle of the gnats. It shouldn't affect your pH.

I you don't want to worry about pH anymore, try mixing up some organic soil. My pH meter has been collecting dust for over a year now and my plants are healthy as ever.
So you think Mosquito dunks over Gnatrol, Azamax, or Gognats? I'm on a top drip system right now, so I'd like to continue using a hydro medium. That said, what goes in your organic soil mix?

I'm trying some gnat nix right now. Just started using it, seems like it should work,
I saw this product elsewhere and it seemed like a better alternative to sand. Let me know how it goes!


Well-Known Member
Hi there the best way i've learned to eradicate these is
1 Stop watering so much
2 Spray top layer of soil with insect killer by garden safe makes
a good product with pyrethrin can find at most walmarts.
3 Cover top layer of soil with 2-3 inches of hydroton,
perlite,or sand keeps gnats need moist surface to
start larve process.


Well-Known Member
...just lay out more sticky traps bro, 2 or 3 should be plenty for a 4 x 4 grow and should get rid of most of them within a week and by week two or three they should be gone.

...mosquito dunks work too and you can either top dress your pots or you can just add it to your res or watering can depending on how you feed, i hand water so i'd just add some to my can if i were gonna use them but sticky traps always work for me.

...and you're never gonna get rid of all of them, but if you keep the numbers down they're nothing but a nuisance.

peace, bozo


Thanks guys. I've got some sticky traps and mosquito dunks headed my way, so hopefully that does the trick.

I'm not overwhelmed by the little fuckers (yet), but like I said, they've been with me for the last couple of grows and I want them gone. On my last grow I was getting what I think was some kind of fungal outbreak on some of my leaves, and I'm thinking the gnats were responsible for that issue.

I will give an update after I start the treatment plan, and I'm also gonna post my first grow journal so I can get as many sets of eyes on my grow as possible! My local grow shop blows ass so it's nice getting some better input here.

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Just be sure you aren't overwatering, they can only survive if they have some moisture in the soil so let things dry out completely from now on. I mix up mosquito dunks in a coffee grinder and amend my soil with it, haven't seen one of those bastards since.


Active Member
...just lay out more sticky traps bro, 2 or 3 should be plenty for a 4 x 4 grow and should get rid of most of them within a week and by week two or three they should be gone.

...mosquito dunks work too and you can either top dress your pots or you can just add it to your res or watering can depending on how you feed, i hand water so i'd just add some to my can if i were gonna use them but sticky traps always work for me.

...and you're never gonna get rid of all of them, but if you keep the numbers down they're nothing but a nuisance.

peace, bozo
Sticky traps alone will not get rid of fungus gnats,you have to kill the larvae in your medium to break their life cycle.
They will not be gone in 2 or 3 weeks,as you state.
You told me only 2 days ago that ppl shud have experience of using something before advising on the use of it.
Yet here you are giving advice on mosquito dunks that you have never used.Pure hypocracy!
Practice what you preach bozo.
If stickys work for you,then you havnt got fungus gnats.You cant change nature.


Active Member
Having a gnat problem in coco. I’m sure this thr
The last few grows I've done in coco and I keep getting gnats (which I guess are the same thing as fruit flies?). I've bought sticky traps, and while that does catch some of the adults, it hasn't solved the problem. I've read through a bunch of threads on here and see that people like using AxaMax, Gonats, H2O2, and anything with Bti in it in order to kill the larvae. I've also seen putting sand or DE on the top seems to help, but I'm worried that's gonna get messy and screw with my PH. I know drying out the medium as much as possible will help, but since I'm in coco I don't want to it getting too dry because that seems to cause nutrient lockout.

So, I'd like to buy something asap to help kill all these little bastards! Anyone here have success using any of these products in coco? Also, I can't get any of this stuff locally, with the exception of H2O2, so what's one of the better online stores for these products? Amazon seems to have most of it, but maybe not the best prices?

Any help would be appreciated!
this thread is ancient but I’m having gnats and have mosquito dunks. Did the BT ever do u justice?