gnat problem


I had a gnat problem with these plants like month or so ago I laid down new cards to see if I was getting anything cuz the older ones where dirty an a few where cought. But two day been past an iv cought a couple lil ones. Also I have grow stones an insect dust dm. An iv use fox farm dont bug me in the past. Any In sigh what I can do. Its not from over water cuz iv been letting them dry out pretty much be for watering.


Well-Known Member
I had a gnat problem with these plants like month or so ago I laid down new cards to see if I was getting anything cuz the older ones where dirty an a few where cought. But two day been past an iv cought a couple lil ones. Also I have grow stones an insect dust dm. An iv use fox farm dont bug me in the past. Any In sigh what I can do. Its not from over water cuz iv been letting them dry out pretty much be for watering.
Ive had luck with an inch of sand, but if you use molasses it can turn the sand into concrete preventing your roots from receiving air. Maybe it's best to rake or fluff the sand occasionally.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Sometimes they come in the soil. Other times it's because the medium is too wet. One thing you can do is add a 1-2 inch layer of perlite or grow stones on the top of your soil. It'll keep that inch or two dry and that's where the nats live
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[QUOT="Gary Goodson, post: 11779017, member: 885626"]Sometimes they come in the soil. Other times it's because the medium is too wet. One thing you can do is add a 1-2 inch layer of perlite or grow stones on the top of your soil. It'll keep that inch or two dry and that's where the nats live[/QUOTE]
Well i have like a inch or two of grow stones topped with insect dust dm. Any one have any rerecommendations for the drain ports? I hear they go there as well

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
Diatomaceous earth and safers end all garden dust i deal with these guys all the time thr most commom cause is from organic soil they are a big part in nature and composting material into compost/soil mix this stuff into your soil before transplant and dust the tops of pots and the pot saucers they will be gone in no time and its all OMRI cert