Gnats/Cooking SuperSoil


Well-Known Member
You seem to have a perfectly good handle on it to me, GT.

I started with highly amended Super Soil, and am now top dressing with compost from a very diverse base of vegetation. I'll continue on with this same soil as a No-Till, amending with composts as I go.

Kush, what's the plan with this soil after you grow a round in it? Amend and continue?
the soil is for 8 1000 gallon pots and 8 200 gallon pots. plus i have (6) 400 gallon pots filled with last years soil that needs to be re-amended. only using fabric containers because of gophers/rodents. eventually would like to be in ground but need a rodenator and they are 2 grand. plan to run an analysis after harvest and after i til in the crimson clover planted in the fall. love the idea of a living soil, just not there yet.


Well-Known Member
Again, I like the scale of what you're doing. Are you doing a Journal? There are a lot of No-Tills over on IC


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised if that guy was a neighbor of mine at one point. Amazing grow of his. The worm farm he uses has some pretty amazing soil. Wouldn't be surprised if their "local growers mix" was based on his order.

Were you dissapointed with your last mix?


Well-Known Member
ya that dude knows what the fuck hes doing. i wasnt disappointed. one pot had all new roots and two full batches of s.s. and damn near carried a rather large purple diesel full season. the other pot had 4 cubic feet chicken manure, 50# bone meal and 20 # gypsum in used soil. i forgot to buffer my start and burned it forcing me to cut the mix down by removing a bunch of hot and adding un-amended soil to it. which left me a hundred gallons of hot that i split between 4 more 200 gallon pots. i added sunshine to this. everything surged for quite a while, only problem was by the time the plants were full size they needed feeding.

since i needed 75 yards of soil for a new garden this year and i didnt have access to the same facility as dude from ic this was my cheapest option. a really impressive potting soil better than roots and cheaper than pallettes would cost. plus castings in bulk instead of chicken manure is a much better option for a lot of reasons.


Well-Known Member
Oh jeez, didn't realize you went with roots last time. Buying by the yard is magnitudes less expensive than by the bag. And I only assume you get a discount when ordering by the semi :)

I'm very jealous of you.


Active Member
azamax goes beyond the organic standart. its even omri approved. although i dont understand how its natural if its synthesized my man.
pyrethrins although not natural are the best for pest control. personally i dont like the slow kill shit, i only use azamax as preventative maintenance. pyrethrins like dr doom bombs are the way to go. its only harmful to cats and fish(shouldnt have pets in even the same house as a grow anyway, hair spread too easy). just dont use too much in a small room or you will get chem burn.