Gnats suck


Well-Known Member
ANybody know how to get rid of gnats? I read a few posts about it, but aside from someone saying GoGnat solution doesn't really work, I haven't found anything to help.
There isn't like an infestation, just when you look at the soil of the plant, you can see maybe four or five (at most) of the guys running around in the dirt. The strange thing is that I have two plants, and the gnats are only on the Sativa, not my Indica. The pot with the Indica plant in it has the soil filled all the way to the top, while the Stativa,(the one with the gnats) has the soil about three inches below the lip of the pot. Does that have anything to do with it?

Sorry guys, I'm at a loss. I tried some liquid Sevin a few days ago, and it hasn't helped, but I am afraid to put any more pesticide near my babies. There isn't any noticeable stunting or damage to the plants, but I want to solve this in case it does get worse.


Well-Known Member
I had a HUGE gnat problem, those fuckers reproduce quick in the soil and eat your poor babies roots!

I went out and bought some Safer's 3-in-1 spray. Took my plants out of the room, sprayed down the whole room, walls, etc. Then I sprayed the plant (lightly) and the soil with the Safers. Tapping the side of the pot and misting plain water on the soil also gets those fuckers out of the soil, then I just sprayed each one.. LOL... seriously I was brutal on those fuckers. Keep an eye out for them, because the eggs hatch every 6 days. I got rid of the fuckers in 2 days, and killed the new ones a week later. no probs since and my baby didn't seem to suffer any damage from the spray. Hope this helps. =)


Well-Known Member
I had a HUGE gnat problem, those fuckers reproduce quick in the soil and eat your poor babies roots!

I went out and bought some Safer's 3-in-1 spray. Took my plants out of the room, sprayed down the whole room, walls, etc. Then I sprayed the plant (lightly) and the soil with the Safers. Tapping the side of the pot and misting plain water on the soil also gets those fuckers out of the soil, then I just sprayed each one.. LOL... seriously I was brutal on those fuckers. Keep an eye out for them, because the eggs hatch every 6 days. I got rid of the fuckers in 2 days, and killed the new ones a week later. no probs since and my baby didn't seem to suffer any damage from the spray. Hope this helps. =)
Yeah, it helps. Thanks. I have to find some of that Safer's. The plant in question doesn't look too bad...

But like I said, I want to take precautions and fix it before it ruins my girl.

Thanks again.



Well-Known Member
They didn't really do anything bad to my plant either, but I didn't want serious problems. Exactly, fix it before its a problem, plus those fuckers just would really piss me off! Death to the gnats! LOL. Btw, got the safer's at Walmart. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I thought I sent this post, but I must of messed up somewhere. Anyhow, I got some 3 in 1 soulution based on Potassium salts of fatty acids and Sulfur. I couldn't find Safer's, Home Depot doesn't carry it. I wanted to know if you remembered what the active ingredient in Safer's is, because some of the gnat sprays are mostly Canola oil.
I also took duct tape and wrapped it around the edge of the pot inside. So far I've caught a few, but I'll see how the treatment does for the bugs. Can't apply it until the sun goes down, but I'll keep you posted.

magilla guerilla

Active Member
you should try some anise extract, or lemongrass. most bugs hate one of the two, neither should cost you more than a few bucks, and you should see no backlash from your babies. when i was a dirty bum-hippy i used to spread both on the lip of my sleeping bag, no one likes waking up sweaty and covered in ants...


Well-Known Member
Mosquito dunks. 1/4 dunk soaked in 2 gallons water...feed plants with water. Kills the larvae (stops life cycle). Sticky traps for the adults. problem solved.

To prevent...Sterilize your soil by heating in oven @ about 200 degrees for an hour or so. Doing this also kills good things in the soil...So be prepared to begin feeding nutes earlier than you normally would.

Either way....No more gnats....or none to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Mosquito dunks. 1/4 dunk soaked in 2 gallons water...feed plants with water. Kills the larvae (stops life cycle). Sticky traps for the adults. problem solved.

To prevent...Sterilize your soil by heating in oven @ about 200 degrees for an hour or so. Doing this also kills good things in the soil...So be prepared to begin feeding nutes earlier than you normally would.

Either way....No more gnats....or none to begin with.
Have you had success with mosquito dunks, maybe even more than once? I've always found that using nukes to blow up a shanty always had bad results, but there is so much about biochemistry that I don't get. I'm one of them pussy farmers who lost some crops to too much Miracle Grow, and I'm skeptical of any heavy artillery. My plants do suffer in weight because of my hesitancy to nutes and pesticides, but I'll trust you if you know it works.
You tell me that it worked for you, and if the 3 in 1 I tried doesn't kill them, I'll try it next week.
Thanks for the advice. For such a hearty plant, Weed is as tricky as a toddler sometimes.


Well-Known Member
i find that using 1 tblsp of regular lemon dish soap to 1 gallon of water, lightly misting leaf top and undersides, and the soil, weekly, or bi weekly (as maintenance) keeps perty much everything at bay for me, its never wilted or burned anything, hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
Proven method: I had the gnat problem. Let your soil dry out, hard as a brick, til your leaves start to droop. Once that has happened, feed your plant a little water (1 to 2 quarts), come back 8 hours later, and add another quart. Wait for the plant to respond to this before you add additional water. The eggs will die from having no moisture. I can prove it was effective cuz today I took clones off one that really had the issue, found nothing in the soil whatsoever. Also, it has been my experience that they do not like the reflections from mylar, they get like REAL HOT n shit. (the adults) It's their eggs that feed off your roots, not them. Sticky traps for adults (though mine just simply disappeared. And dry that shit OUT! Trust me, easier than adding some stupid shit, and costs you nothing, shit, you even save water you don't use...... DO IT