

Active Member
This is my second grow. With my first i got really lucky cause i didnt have not one problem. But with this grow as soon as i transplanted little gnats have. been showing up allá over the place. Can they hurt the plants?


Active Member
Larvae of fungus gnats feed on algae, fungi and plant roots in the growing medium, I don't think they do a 'lot' of damage to mature plants, but can hurt seedlings and can spread disease. They thrive in moist environment, so not overwatering is a preventative. Also, you can lay a layer of sand on the top of your medium so the adult gnat cannot penetrate the medium and lay larvae. There are also products such as Gnatrol available or you might try h202 drench to kill the larvae. Another useful addition is the yellow sticky strips (the gnat likes the colour yellow) Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I don't think they do a whole lot of damage either, but the yellow sticky strips worked the best for me, and the fly carnage on them helps estimate how many there are around.

The solutions to kill the larvae worked fine as well, but the stickys are cheaper,last longer and don't add another job to do in the grow,.

There's always a couple around though...and my harvests seem fine...:)


Active Member
I think when you buy soil they maybe in it. And you can use sand like I did but they just go to the drain holes there smart.


Well-Known Member
Yup gnats come free with each bag of soil you buy. If you don't tale care of it now and it gets bad you'll find dead gnats stuck on your buds when you flower. Use a biological control like BTi.


Well-Known Member
yellow sticky paper and duct tape all over the place to catch the adults
mosquito crumbles in jar lids with water