Gnomo Automatic bubble LED grow


Well-Known Member
These look really good and happy. I am just finishing a soil grow with Gnomo in Foxfarm Ocean. They didn't seem to need as much pot. and phos. as one would think; I had an issue at about 6 weeks and had to put them back on Grow Big with a little epsom and saw some leaf recovery after about a week. That may not help you gague what to do for hydro, but yes, they are very picky it seems. Also a mixed bag, in another week or so you might see a few of them shooting up and creating vertical, single-cola type plants. Each seems to have different requirements, too. The one of mine that started out as a microscopic runt ended up flourishing. She'll be the last I harvest.

I'm no pro, this is not only my first auto grow but my first non-bagseed grow and the first one that didn't go herm on me. But if it is any help see a mediocre soil grow with the same strain, I'm kind of posting on it here:

Yours are further along by about a week than mine were at that point. Get ready for a big stink and probably a 8th week harvest!


Active Member
Well from what i can tell shes doing pretty well, I think itll take her another 7 or 8 weeks to finish up so im saying a 9 to 10 weeks from seed for my LED light to finish an auto. here are some pics the buds are starting to expand off the main stem and really fatten up especially at the top, Shes got a really nice aroma and i plan on putting a DIY carbon filter in when the smell becomes an issure but its not right now so im not worried



Active Member
Here are some more pics of my lady shes really starting to throw her flowers now, she has doubled in size i think in 5 days i still think because i am using a LED light that she might take a little longer to finish but she is looking good to me what do yall think



Active Member
Yea shes a lil short still barely 6 inches but she is getting some nice thick dense buds on her main cola and has about 4 other branches of buds on th lower part
I wouldn't use a carbon filter. The carbon will actually absorb nutrient additives. You only need a filter to take out the fine particles from your plant shedding dead cells as it grows that way they don't coagulate on the root system starving them from feeding and oxygen uptake. You can also add enzymes to help break down the dead cells converting them into food.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use a carbon filter. The carbon will actually absorb nutrient additives. You only need a filter to take out the fine particles from your plant shedding dead cells as it grows that way they don't coagulate on the root system starving them from feeding and oxygen uptake. You can also add enzymes to help break down the dead cells converting them into food.
I thought he meant a carbon air cleaner, as I had mentioned in my experience 5 gnomo plants stank up (in the nice way) our whole basement plus the floor above; couldn't open the front door without it hitting you. Are you talking about a filter in the actual hydro solution? I know nothing about hydro, so I'm just asking. I would think a carbon filter would be good for incoming water, but it sounds like you are talking about a filter for recirculating nute solution.


Active Member
No i was talking about a carbon air filter for the smell i only have one and u can smell it thru the whole house but ill be moving the set up for the next grow i plan on doing 2 Easy ryders and one more Gnomo


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they can really cast an odor. It does die down toward harvest and the last few buds I've cut (harvesting a bit at a time) are drying with a lighter, almost sweet scent.


Active Member
Well i finished the grow but i had to harvest 2 weeks early do to home inspections but they are done now im currently got 2 Easy ryders and 1 more Gnomo going right now they are 19 days and all have shown sex but i jus changed the water in the rez so im waiting another 5 days or so before i switch to full bloom nutes pics to come soon