Go BMO, lol, Just bought the 4 pack.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
:fire:Well after reading and studying and smoking over the issue for many a day I decided that keep my grow going I would be happiest with BMO, the full line.

I love making teas. I would keep making teas and teas only and so far have had awesome success.

I have learned NPK. Nautres nectar is too expensive and as I said I like teas and wholly beleive in adding all the organic amendments to them to get the benefits, espeically the bacterial action.

I almost went with Age old.

Then I went back to ebay to look at BMO again. yoila.

I found that everything that I have been looking for in the perfect base to add to my teas and then amend with guanos and castings and kelp and so on were already in BMO including addtional sources of bacteria. Actually I dont have to add a damn thing to BMO, it has everything I could want, and more. I just might have a hard time not brewing anything at all.

I like most that they use guanos as their base for NPK along with other sources I also like most.

AND if you add foliar harmony to their flower power you get 3-12-9. Almost perfect levels for marijuana according to high times.
So I plan from now on to use BMO with bat guano top dressed for added kicks. I gotta pull an emeril and kick it up a notch.

i am shooting for this or something in the spirit, if you know what I mean.

Seedlings 2-1-2
Early Vegetative 4-2-3
Mid-Vegetative 10-5-7

Cycle Changeover 7-7-7
Early Flowering 5-10-7
Mid-Flowering 6-15-10
Late Flowering 4-10-7

Bmo will give me close enough with all the benfical coumpounds I would add myself.

Lets be honest, while making teas is fun, in an apt and while being thrifty some of these things are a pain to get right. Although it can be done, and so far has worked perfectly, my plants are awesome.

no spills either

the reason I did not go with age old even though their levels did it for me was that they did not use guano and that some of theor ingreds were slow release.

learning np is not that hard, deciphering what is slow release and what is fast and what is readily available, like when reading bio bizz took some learning to figure out what was going on. Bio bizz is simply molasses, :(
BMO is awesome.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
also a guy on another site, some dufunct collective site says that he did a taste comparison and manure rocked it the most. I dont know how her ferted so heavily with manure that that was his base but I added steer manure to my soil.

anybody know how he did that? ferted so heavily manure counted as his base?

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
next step is to do water only grows. First i a have to see what healthy plants look like so I know if I need to add anything. Lol, still nervous about water only.


Well-Known Member
Nice, I'm using BMO for my first go at this too. Just Grow it green and flower power.

Buds are coming in nicely, I clipped a lower one because the anticipation was killing me. Didn't even lit it cure a week, and wow, smoothest/tastiest anything I have ever smoked.

Organic for life. :leaf:

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
try adding the foliar harmony as a bloom additive. it even says that it can be used as so. If you chek the npk levels the P should be a third or so higher than the K. The N should be half but I read somewhere that over 4 is pushing it. That might be bull as hight time recomends 6.

if you add foliar harmony it gives you better ratios. Also I plan to topdress with indonesian bat guaon. That wil give a nice kick.

Do you use oh so greens chart. It looks like he put a lot of work into it. I am going to, especially how he has figured what weeks to supplent a little flower power while still in veg.
Ohsogreen if you read this, how did you find out what weeks in veg to add alittl flower power. I could guess it is to start leveling it off for the change to flower. But I have some reading to do. Lot of almost random googling.


Well-Known Member
BMO is some good stuff. I've been using their SPT for my last few grows and it works fantastic. I have the entire line up for my next go around.

Just make sure you are using unchlorinated water


Well-Known Member
Well here's a pic. Day 31 flower. BMO grow it green + flower power. 250 HPS.

Yeah, the stuff works. :lol:
I will echo Topper's statement.

Day 25 of Flowering with GiG, FP, FH (which i will now start watering in during flowering), BushMaster, Purple Maxx, and of course Super Plant Tonic.

For the GIG and FP I have been using OhSoGreen's feeding schedule.


dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Nice tight, bonsai!

I have been suing spt so far. you can check my signature. the word album has a red "L" that is the linl to my album.

I also have been using bio bizz, mex guano, fish emulsion, kelp, molasses, spt, cal mag, liquid karma, hydroguard, ro di water. some eggshelss I have also used in place of cal mag.

fish smells. i considered a mix of fish 5-1-1 and 0-10-10 as one op wrote. I also considered a ton of others before I relasied that BMO already thought of all that and put it in a bottle for me. really I am impressed. It is bacteria laden also, something I wanted as mj is an annual and annulas love bacteria rather than fungi!


Well-Known Member
4 weeks of vegging, then bushmastered, then dwc/drip in flowering... then i transplanted them to organic soil, lol.

in other words, they have been tortured... but they still look great at this point!