Go Celtics


100% Authentic A$$Hole
About 3 more hours till KOBE takes this series over:hump:Boston might pull off 1 more win this series but thats it....KOBE gonna torch them from here on out...It's what superstars do and I hate the lakers:hump:


Well-Known Member
im gettn ready now just showered got dressed, i got 2 grams 2 smoke (urkel 2nite) the lakers couldnt beat the celtics all season aint nothin changn 2nite, enjoy the game


Active Member
Just for the record the Boston Celtics won 8 straight world championships thats Back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back. C's in six


Active Member
What a game Kobe is having eh? He's the best in the NBA but still a second rate Jordan. He's got the skills, and the desire to be as good as Jordan but Jordan was smarter and I think he wanted it a little more than Kobe. He was just so intense.

And being a big Pat's/Boston sports fan, I have to defend them all. The Sox have won 2 out of 4, the Pat's should have won but didn't because of a very lucky play (any team would die for an 18-0 season), and the Celts are going to win it too=title town bitches. Other cities can hate us Boston fans but that just makes me root for my Boston teams more. Please hate us/me, I love it. Your cites team will come sometime. If it was your city that was whoopin ass in every sport practically, you'd be a gloating asshole too.

And to the guy a couple pages ago that was talking all that shit about Pierce, and how they Lakers were going to win game 2.........fuck you :). Spoken like a true Boston fan.


Active Member
Yea, they made it close at the end but we pretty much dominated. POE-what a fricken beast. He was dunkin all of the Lakers. 21 points in 15 minutes! I've never heard of that happening from a bench player. Althogh he did lead the PAC10 in scoring and rebounding. GO CELTS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
well another good game, 2-0 celtics and they just said teams with a 2-0 lead win the finals 90 percent of the time, thats ugly for you laker fans, all we got 2 do is win 1 in la and its over, im looking forward for a sweep tho, GO CELTICS


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I give a lot of credit to Boston although they did what they were suppose to do...which is defend there home court....Lets see if they can win a game in LA...Lakers in 6:hump:

The officiating was very one sided but Boston played good:hump:


Well-Known Member
nah the only reason people are sayin that cause boston shut them downthe frist 3 quarters...i know they had 28 more freethrow attempts but they were the right calls..kobes a crybaby


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Thats the problem with basketball nowadays, its becoming more about entertainment and the foul calls are absurd.....The sport is becoming less physical every year:hump: Let the mofo's play ball and stop calling a foul every fuckin play:hump: