Go Obama I Feel So Safe


Active Member

Obama Administration Reportedly Plans to Create Internet ID for All Americans

Published January 08, 2011
| FoxNews.com

Jan. 7: President [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Obama[/COLOR][/COLOR] talks about the latest reports showing a decline in the unemployment rate as he highlights his economic policies in a speech on the factory floor of the Thompson Creek Window Company in Landover, Md.

President Obama is putting plans in motion to give the Commerce Department authority to create an Internet ID for all Americans, a White House official told CNET.com.
White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt told the website it is "the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]government[/COLOR][/COLOR]" to centralize efforts toward creating an "identity ecosystem" for the Internet.
The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace is currently being drafted by the Obama administration and will be released by the president in a few months.
"We are not talking about a national ID card. We are not talking about a government-controlled system. What we are talking about is enhancing online security and privacy, and reducing and perhaps even eliminating the need to memorize a dozen passwords, through creation and use of more trusted digital identities," Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said at an event Friday at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, according to CNET.com.
Locke added that the Commerce Department will be setting up a national program [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]office[/COLOR][/COLOR] to work on this project.
The move has raised eyebrows about privacy issues.
"The government cannot create that identity infrastructure," Jim Dempsey of the Center for Democracy and Technology told the website. "If I tried to, I wouldn't be trusted."
Schmidt stresses that anonymity will remain on the Internet, saying there's no chance that "a centralized database will emerge."
Click here for more on this story from CNET.com.:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
what is this supposed to do to help? anonymity is why the internet is so great. without that, its like walking into a library and asking for the adult section. everyone knows what your doing

and do they really think they will be able to stop people from stealing the online identities? social security is supposed to be secure, but once someone gets that number, your life is basically over lol. it should not be that easy to "become" someone else, and commit crimes with their identity, or steal from that person using their own identity.


Well-Known Member
lmfao! good luck, i cant even setup my 360 online cause my ip address changes every time i connect to the net. your ip address is the only thing that can track everything you do online to that cpu. if they look up the device id, they cant say you did everything that was processed through that device unless your name is on it. time to start getting pre-paid internet cards.


Well-Known Member
lmfao! good luck, i cant even setup my 360 online cause my ip address changes every time i connect to the net. your ip address is the only thing that can track everything you do online to that cpu. if they look up the device id, they cant say you did everything that was processed through that device unless your name is on it. time to start getting pre-paid internet cards.
the reason your ip address changes is because you have a dynamic IP address and you can set up your 360 using a dynamic addy but you might want to look into getting a static IP....


Well-Known Member
the reason your ip address changes is because you have a dynamic IP address and you can set up your 360 using a dynamic addy but you might want to look into getting a static IP....
well i appreciate the help, but different topic, different forum. and theres the whole im using a 3g card through a mac problem lol


Well-Known Member
"The government cannot create that identity infrastructure," Jim Dempsey of the Center for Democracy and Technology told the website. "If I tried to, I wouldn't be trusted."
Schmidt stresses that anonymity will remain on the Internet, saying there's no chance that "a centralized database will emerge."
"Were from the Government and we are here to help". How many times does the government have to fuck us in the ass before we realize they aren't here for our welfare.


Well-Known Member
"Were from the Government and we are here to help". How many times does the government have to fuck us in the ass before we realize they aren't here for our welfare.
"The only thing we learn from history, is that we dont learn from history." same shit as a woman getting her ass beat over and over from some douche. If we are reliant on something, we generally dont retaliate unless it fails. the government is the same way, we rely on it, but its not keeping us from leaving (usa that is), it comes down to this: to strip a person from all he/she knows and let them be "reborn" in there own innocence is a personal choice that people dont make. when they do, its something retarded like the arizona shooting. face it, if you want to be on your own truely, you have no medical, retirement, or structured society. our government is the outcome of technology, greed, and the outstanding chance for complete control very early on. it doesnt take much to make a "major business" corrupt, and once it is, it will never be innocent again. i agree the government is fucked, but by that same sword has been born us.....those who ended up full of hatred, anguish, anger and any one of us if given the chance would take over in a militia fashion. if you live in the "get it how you get," "eye for an eye," shoot first attitude, then there are always those who will corrupt the government. not saying we all would fuck up america if we had control, but most citizens do not belong in politics at all. america is a huge fucking business! the biggest in the world. to be president means you can control the biggest company ever created. i would like to see norml try, but would not be surprised if it was too much....just think about it.


i cant wait to get out of this country i hate the way its heading and the invasion of privacy for "our protection"
is ridiculous.


Active Member
I dunno if this will be much help to you guys but if you're concerned about your anonymity on the internet there's the TOR project. You can surf fairly safely with that if it is a bit slow.

There's also freenet and a few other anonymous internet-based things that aren't the standard world wide web thing. Different but usable.