goal- cheap closet grow room 2.5'x3.5'


Well-Known Member
So my set up so far consists of the space covered in mylar (which was free) and I have my co2 delivery set up (a sealed container which holds a 5lb block of dry ice with a tube that leads out and above the canopy with holes every 8") im also in the process of setting up a 6" exhaust fan (my bathrooms old one that I had disconnected cause I hate the noise when taking a leak in the middle of the night) also have a medium sized osculating fan that would be sitting right at/ slightly above the canopy and a 3" fan bringing in "fresh" air. At this point I have spent less then 15$ now to the hard part, lighting. My goal is three full spectrum cfls with two red spectrum cfls which I can set up for around 50$. Now my question is would that work for my 3.5'x2.5' grow space? I plan to grow 6 plants in 5gal mesh bags. My next problem is where to get seeds/clones. Do internet sites actually work? Which are the best? That's it for now thx for reading any help would be appreciated. Oh and remember im broke lol


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend LED for a grow like this, assuming you can get the funds necessary - if you are going to go CFL you might want to get different spectrum bulbs for each cycle.


Well-Known Member
Yea gonna stick to cfls but see the five bulbs wouldn't be enough so plan to double the lights to boost the lumens while also keeping in mind what bulbs to use during which cycle