Goddamn airplanes!

Hey everyone. Was just wondering if anyone else in southern maine area has noticed all the damn planes flying around? I tryed to find info on when they are doing the aerial inspections but have had no such luck. They have been buzzing around my grow area HARD for the past couple of days. I don't think they have spotted them cause they haven't started circling around them but yet again who knows....


Well-Known Member
im not in maine but it seems like whenever im at my spot theres one or two single engine small planes flying around, i live near a small private airport so i think i might just be unlucky. i still run under a tree if they get close tho.
Yeah around this time of year I have a hard time controlling the paranoia. I've been lucky for the past couple of years. When they do the checks in my state they hammer an area for 2-3 days and then move on. I guess I'll know if I'm busted if the cops come this week.


LOL. Im in CA and have the same problem, I live about 5 miles from an airport and not sure if its regular traffic or surveilance. It sucks but I guess thats one of the downsides to outdoor. Have to worry about cops and robbers lol. Good Luck.

New Grower 420

Active Member
i awoke one morning to a black choper flying LOW it made about 5 passes i only have 2 plants out but i flipped shit took them in and put pepper plants in there place i was shure i was busted lol but nothing ever happend maybe someone els close was growing a crop and they got busted idk.


Well-Known Member
yea here in ca ive seen the choppers out quite often now. especially at my spot. just yesterday i was there and the local sheriffs chopper flew right over my girls and VERY low to the ground. i just walked out and waved. its funny cause i only have three plants and i have my doctors recommondation. im thinking about writing in the ground 215 BITCHES, so they get the idea next time they fly over


Active Member
they will hire commercial single engine pilots to search for weed for them. so look out for anyfuckin thing up there besides a boeing or a c130

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
yea here in ca ive seen the choppers out quite often now. especially at my spot. just yesterday i was there and the local sheriffs chopper flew right over my girls and VERY low to the ground. i just walked out and waved. its funny cause i only have three plants and i have my doctors recommondation. im thinking about writing in the ground 215 BITCHES, so they get the idea next time they fly over
Only problem with that is weed is still illegal. Even for us "legal" growers. If they want to be a dick, they can do whatever they want.


Well-Known Member
There has been a lot of planes around my house too. I think that the good weather this year has attracted more pilots to the sky, both in staters and outta staters. However, if it makes you feel better. There was a fellow in my town who got caught with 400+ plants with irrigation and the whole nine yards. Well, he got caught because he had a bunch of plants on his neighbors property, and his neighbor didn't like that. He grew for about 5 years before getting caught. Thing is, they never noticed from the air, for 5 years!

That alway makes me feel better to think about
Yeah the problem this year is the cops have a big hard on for weed. This is been the best growing season for many years in my state. Everyone growing up here has monster plants. Its hard to get those nice twelve feet trees growing up here with the short growing season. In all the newspapers and local tv news, the cops are all pissed about the size of the plants being grown. The hell with them, they should go catch a rapist and leave me alone.


Well-Known Member
I have six plants total outside. Four in one cleared spot and two closer to my place in a cleared spot. I didn't throw the cleared trees far away. I have noticed the same single-engine plane doing loops around the area, right over my grow spot several times. If I am out there I just squat and hide under the close brush until it has left. I water quickly and move out. Any chance of the plane seeing my grow, the sativa is eight feet tall but the other three plants are only five to six feet. They are in a cleared spot about ten feet by six feet??? In NY State, weed is decriminalized, but still illegal, would they bust me for six plants??
Fathers a pilot..... the Sharp turns? Either a pilot messing around doing maneuvers, or most likely being re-routed to land at a local airport. Wouldn't worry about it unless you see a helicopter flying VERY slowly within 100-400 yds of your girls.
My county is #2 in FL for outdoor busts next to Miami Dade - seen em in action.