goin from in to out

canadian thc

Active Member
First let start by saying good site eh.

Now wht im wondering if there is any danger when moving big plants from closet to outdoors. I am assuming no, but you nevr know. Hoping tht the transition is goin to be ok. If anybody knows bettr please let me know.


canadian thc

Active Member
wow, didnt know they could burn. I dont have the option of "hardening" my babies. My only option is to put them out. Do you guys know of another way of getting them ready. Gradually is not an option. If i dont harden them will they make it?????????:peace:


Well-Known Member
Use tree branches broke off to give them at least dappled shade for the first few days. Not bright hot direct sun all day.


Well-Known Member
ok maybe its just me but ithought hardening off ment that you climatize them to colder conditions so the roots dont get shocked :leaf: sorry but what will burn?


Well-Known Member
Depending on your nite time temps getting them used to cool nites are also part of hardening them off.But going from inside lite to outside sun is also part of hardening them off. the sun if intense will burn you leaves..


Well-Known Member
ill keep it in mined . i put them out during the day in a greenhouse and bring them in at night kind of a pain in the ass but it works


Well-Known Member
i had my plant inside for a week and then put it in a feild. its doing great. the leaves sometime stick up a little but its nice and healthy.


Well-Known Member
I put a seedlig out without hardening it off, the leaves got bleached and turned white, it's almost dead. Harden them off is better than ending up with a dead plant.


Well-Known Member
One of the books I've been reading (noob here) said to harden by putting plants outside in morning shade and afternoon sun for about a week. Then put them in full sun.