Going 2 Maine from Cali,have to switch planes,safe to bring an quad?+rep 4 any input!

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
double bagged with ziplocs and stuffed firmly between the cheeks will work if you're careful....the fact that you're with a group will help, because it's awkward for them to separate one person from a group. i'd say just be calm and confident and you'll be cool. those dogs you might see, by the way, are looking for dbombs, not drugs. also, if you're flying from cali, why are you worried? a buddy of mine got caught trying to fly to ohio from cali with an eighth. they caught him in cali, but hey, decriminalized, so it was a 50 dollar fine and he missed his flight, no big deal. once you're past the security in cali you're golden.
Do you know how he got caught, like where he had the weed, just curious at this point, but very confident that I can do this easyyy now lol

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
quick question! if your called for the secondary screening(patdown and hand-metal detector), I know TSA pats your "sensitive" areas, but can they actually feel inside the crack or your ass? I read up that they pat your butt...but I just need reassurring lol

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I've always felt that as long as there are no dogs or "sniffing" machines (which I've never seen/heard of before...fucking crazy!) you could probably just put it in your pocket. They don't pat you down, so as long as you are DAMN SURE you won't be setting off the metal detector you should be golden. Obviously you would want to hide it better than your pocket, I'm just saying I fly often and I never get randomly patted down. As someone said earlier, don't wear baggy clothes and don't look suspicious.

Wouldn't it be easier to try and find some while you are there? And if you can't smoke for a few days, couldn't you just live without it?

Getting caught would be the worst possible thing--public embarrassment, missing your flight, shaming friends/family, jail, a criminal record, etc.

All for a quarter ounce...? Just don't smoke, or buy a pack of cigarettes, or drink some liquor. Are you growing too? You could jeopardize that operation as well.

It's just not worth it. Build up your tolerance for a few days and look forward to returning to Cali.

Or just find some in Maine. Good luck, and keep us posted with what you do!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Maine has some damn good weed but its expensive i've waste banned weed in my underwear before 5 8ths around the waster band sowed in. Once i stuck a bag in my pocket also worked


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Yeah so Im flying outta LAX to Maine, and we have to take two planes, well, switch planes somewhere in the middle, and I was wondering if it is pretty foolproof if I brought a quad simply in my asscheeks or way behind my balls, going all the way out there with no bud is pretty much NOT an option, also I wanted to know if you go through the whole security process again when you get on the second plane? Id really like some good advice from people who have done this before, I just wanna know if what Im doing is a bust and dumber than I realize or if its the best way to bring a personal amount of weed on a trip, ive read other threads and everyone said tucking the weed in your "gouche" or whatever was simply the best...anyways i'm rambling please any advice, +rep....
it would look like i had one hell of a packagecuz that shitwould be down my pants. and if it stunk i would bust out a few stinky farts. LOL or if you are going to visit someone you can just mail it fist that is if you can trust whoever your going to see. send a box of clothes and hide your stash in there. iv sent many bags in the mail that way, just use fedex, they are not federal.. like the us post office.:hump:


Active Member
ok there seem to be many misconceptions about airport security. first of all, they cannot ask you to disrobe without a warrant. an external pat down and metal detector wand is all that is legally allowed. the pat down will be thorough (imagine the ones you've seen in movies), but the won't put their hands directly on your junk or in your ass. they may graze the surface. secondly, the dogs and "sniffing" machines you see are to find bombs and other explosives, not drugs. any german shepard you see is looking for bombs. if you see a beagle (like in canada), those might be looking for drugs, but in america, one guy with a quarter is not nearly a important as one guy with 2 oz of semtex in his shoe. the machines are chromatographs, and they are only able to detect explosive materials and biological materials with explosive potential (like manure or anything else with alot of ammoniacal nitrogen, like say, plant food!). finally, if you're flying from cali, and you've got less than an ounce, you'll be ok even if you do get caught. they only make you pass through security getting on the plane, not getting off, and in california, less than an ounce is decriminalized. you'll get a fee and miss your flight. international travel is a whole different story.


Active Member
dont look suspicious. and here is a jail trick.....tighty whities....the fold in the front...open it...now reach back and u can poke ur ass hole!!!....heat shrink that shit like 6-7 times and then cram it in there....if u think ur guna get busted....claim u got IBS and run to the restroom and flush that hoe or just leave it there for someone as a gift...lol

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
OKAYYY IM BACKKK...just to update, GETTING WEED ON THE PLANE COULDNT HAVE BEEN EASIER lol I simply broke up my weed real fine, it was about an eighth, wrapped it up in normal plastic into a tube sort of, then wrapped the whole tube super tight in cellophane tape, when it was done it was the size of a marker, and was very stiff and didnt smell AT ALL...to my nose...so I stuck it in between my butt cheeks just to be extra safe... anyways there was a sniffing dog literally 2 feet away from me at one point at LAX and he didnt do a thing, when I got to the security part, it was too easy, they didnt even pat me down....anyways I was in BOSTON for a week smoking about a blunt or two a day...it all worked out perfect.


New Member
Beings i live here, in Maine i may be able to assist you. First, Maine is MJ friendly, so why bring it when you can buy it here?
Remember, Maine is 91% woods 6% water (lakes and such), the rest is living area. MJ GROWS EVERYWHERE HERE!, and since there no crime here, there are no issues. You can hold uo to 1.25 oz. and only get a CIVAL ticket for 200.00. IT's not a crime here.
Where in Maine are you going?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Beings i live here, in Maine i may be able to assist you. First, Maine is MJ friendly, so why bring it when you can buy it here?
Remember, Maine is 91% woods 6% water (lakes and such), the rest is living area. MJ GROWS EVERYWHERE HERE!, and since there no crime here, there are no issues. You can hold uo to 1.25 oz. and only get a CIVAL ticket for 200.00. IT's not a crime here.
Where in Maine are you going?
I already went bro, and noooo I dont think I would have been able to get weed, maybe in boston, oh and just to calrify, I flew into boston actually, stayed for two days, then drove to Maine for my great grandmas funeral and stayed there the rest of the time, but yeah the place in Maine I was at was York Beach, and it was BORING, but chill, and pretty beautiful out there, but I didnt see anyone that looked like they smoked, but I know that Maine is liberal and is a weed friendly place...


New Member
You said that you didnt see anyone who looked like they smoked, lol THATS THE POINT, its real low key here, like i said, there is no crime here, i bet grandma didnt even lock her doors at home, i dont.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
You said that you didnt see anyone who looked like they smoked, lol THATS THE POINT, its real low key here, like i said, there is no crime here, i bet grandma didnt even lock her doors at home, i dont.
haha yeah man your definitly right about all that land and space out there, I was constantly looking around at all these great spots where weed could be grown...anyone of the houses I passed coulda had a big outdoor jungle in their bigass backyards ahah

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
ummmm yeah IT WAS WORTH IT. It worked out fine, nowhere near getting caught...and because I wasnt a pussy, I was able to get high everyday for 6 days in Boston and maine.


Well-Known Member
glad you made it back in one piece. you were getting kinda frenzied before you left. I don't travel much, only to Las Vegas once a year and I always take my own stash, at least 1/3 oz. I double wrap it in plastic wrap, then in tin foil. then into a ziploc bag. I stuff it into my bra and I'm all good. been doing it for about 15 yrs. 3 yrs ago I had a nephew that moved up there and he would pick=up for me, then he moved back here. now I think I will just take some canna cookies. then I can sit on the plane and get buzzed, at the slots and nibble on a cookie. sounds good.