Going away for 11 days


Well-Known Member
You don't fuckin' say... :P

I've considered running a pump from a large res on a timer that pushes for a minute per day through a half-inch tube and poke holes in it, but I'm literally out of time. I need to pack and prep and I've got nothing left.

My mother plants *will* die, and I have to rely on my drip machines for my flowering plants.

I have a worst case scenario situation, which is my 25 clones should do their thing, so I will have at minimum a place to re-start when I get home.

The only way that fails is if my house burns down, and if that's the case, I have some bigger issues ;)

I've got my tent set up with an automatic fire suppression system, it's pretty sweet got 2 of them off ebay for around 100 bucks, i've got 2 tents. gives a real feeling if security when we go away. You can replace plants, honestly...but it;s a different matter if your house burns down.

I got this model:



Well-Known Member
Great! Please tell me what EC/ppm levels you start with? I've just bought an xstream propogator and considering I'm already in NFT I'm making a real mess of it!! I even turned the pump off yesterday. Time for the bin!
I use plain tap water. I put a smidgen of Olivia's cloning solution, 1/4 the recommended strength, in the water. I apply cloning gel to the stems before putting the cuttings in the cloner. The pump/sprayers are on a 1 minute on/ 5 minute off timer. one 23w CFL, 18/6. over 24 cuttings.


Well-Known Member
I use plain tap water. I put a smidgen of Olivia's cloning solution, 1/4 the recommended strength, in the water. I apply cloning gel to the stems before putting the cuttings in the cloner. The pump/sprayers are on a 1 minute on/ 5 minute off timer. one 23w CFL, 18/6. over 24 cuttings.
I too knew that my clones in my aerocloner would survive as a last resort if all my plants died, so I filled it right up with 25. Plain, straight tap water for me too. Remember that clones don't have roots when they start, so they have no ability so uptake nutes, so pH isn't really relevant until you plant really.

I stopped using rooting gel, just another small added cost that I found no benefit from. My misters run 24/7. I've got 4 23w 6500k and 1 23w 2700k above my clones... but I have four small moms in that area as well.


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
you can even dim your lights or cut the time short.
if the time is 8/16 instead of 12/12 your plants won't die or anything they will think its just cloudy during those hours or something. plants read light not dark. you can also but paper over your pots so that extra water doesn't evaporate from the drier and hotter air. i was gone for a week one time and my electricity went off about half way through due to the breaker box breaking. even with three to four days of no light at all they still survived and gave me a good amount of killer buds

i am actually gonna be gone for 8 days soon. i don't nearly have as many plants as you but i am just a little worried. my roots haven't filled the pots yet so they shouldn't dry out completely. I'm just ognna turn down the light schedule a little bit. or i might flip to 12/12 right before i leave and hope that no balls show up and pop during the 8 days.


Well-Known Member
Don't feel bad Spec, I fucked up my garden so bad that I have to quit smoking until April. I'm currently a non smoking marijuana farmer.


Active Member
I've got my tent set up with an automatic fire suppression system, it's pretty sweet got 2 of them off ebay for around 100 bucks, i've got 2 tents. gives a real feeling if security when we go away. You can replace plants, honestly...but it;s a different matter if your house burns down.

I got this model:

Man totally agree with you I've got one over my ballast and one in the tent. Every day I'm at work I don't have to worry if I'll have to come home to my house on fire.
Really worth the money for peace of mind. The flame defender is a piece of equipment every grower should own.