Going away for ten days!


Well-Known Member
Im leaving for ten days! Does anyone know either A) how I can continue to water the plants on some sort of drip method because I wont have anyone else to do it or B) what is the worst that will happen over 10 days? Plants have to have some sort of drought protection mechanism right? The plants will be in week 8 of the flower cycle. Any suggestions please?


Rebel From The North
your in week 8 and you need to leave for 10 days ugg,
the plant are taking in the most right now, so you wiil have
to water around the middle of your absense set up a drip that
barly drips just enough to keep it moist and you should be fine,


Active Member
I travel too, I was getting ready to post about any tips if you do travel. I have thought about this and issue, and the only thing I can think of is someone will have to water and check light distance... scary...

Any ideasrrs

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
i talked to the guys at walmart just yesterday and they said they had them...they said they thought they were up by the checkout...so take a look at that i dont personally have one (yet) but i think they would probably do the trick


Well-Known Member
kiss them goodbye? harvest early? if you water too heavy you will drown them. depending on the container size, if you water just heavy enough they won't need watered for 3-4 days. day 5 and 6 they will be very sad. day seven and eight they will be pretty much laying down their brances i would think. by day 10 with no moisture what-so-ever i'd think that some would be dead and or irretreivable.

but, hey, ur plants will be half way dried and partially cured by the time you get back :-?

less ur containers are tiny, the aquaglobe will be dry by day 4 if you watered heavily in addition to this.


Well-Known Member
So when you make the joke that they would be dried and cured is that somewhat true? If thats the worst of letting them go without water then I would just as soon do that. I would be cutting when I get home anyway...can somebody confirm? If im ready to harvest can I just let them go without water for 10 days then manicure them?


Active Member
Ok, here is the setup I am going to go with during my job/vacation for 5 to 10 days:

Items needed:

· 2 pumps (1st to pump water to your plants, and 2nd pump for circulation so water does not become stagnent operating like a fountain in a pond). **The pumps have a filter in them too.
· 1 seven day program timer.
· 1 regular timer with 15min segments settings
· 1 reservoir tub for enough water for all your plants.
· hoses that fit your pumps and drip tips for watering your plants

1. Fill the reservoir up with water enough to support the number of plants you have taking into mind vegging or flowering stage. Check the PH, Ferterlizer etc in the water.

2. Connect the watering pump to your 7 Day Program, and set program times to come on for the length of time you will be gone.

3. Connect the recirculation pump to your 15 min segment timer, and program to come on for 30 min 4 times a day over a 24 hour period.

4. Connect the hose(s) to the watering pump and run hoses with the drip tips to all your plants.


6. The moment I walk out the door, I will set the height or distance of my HPS light a little higher so my babies wont grow too far up and burn.

Of course this will have to be tested and debugged, and I am going to do some serious testing of this automation. Good thing for me I am a controls engineer and I work with PLC’s and networking and so on.

Here is food for thought and my eventual setup. If you have the money and skills, get a PLC programmer like Allen Bradley or something cheaper that can be configured/loaded on your home PC, then wire to the Allen Bradley output bank to control your lights,pumps, etc... Then load remote desktop/Remote Admin/PCanywhere on your PC at home and you can be on the road with your laptop but connect to your PC at home and turn on your lights & pumps remotely,,,, even setup WEB cameras in your groom so you can see from MILES away. I am also looking into small motors that turn slow to raise the lights. More on this advanced setup later.

*****Any suggestions are surely welcome, we can figure this out, FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. I think the above will work fine, if going away for 5 days just water real good befroe you leave and check all your timers and light heights/distance.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
sorry to poke fun, but he's going to be gone for less than a week and a half, not 4 years...dont you think all that is a little much? lol


Active Member
10 days unattended. Sorry to point this out but I dont know if you travel with your job, so if you were in these shoes after all the hard work and true care for your plants (Buds) you may understand this memebers concern. Please keep an open mind,,,,,repsectfully. Cheers


Active Member
Yes, that will work. Guess the thing to do would be test the amount of water pumped to each plant for x amount of time. Im feelin better because this has been a major concern for my situation. Its 2am, so theres my point.