going away

Hey im going away for 2 days and i dont trust leaving my plants in the backyard. Can i lock them in a shed for 2 days? Will this cause any harm?


Well-Known Member
Depends, are they in veg or flower? And really I doubt two days would hurt. You may want to give them a bit of light that is roughly timed to what they normally get. God I have to leave for 9 days 6-7 weeks into flowering but pretty much automated except for res water. Gotta come up with auto fill something.
Cheers the temps will be pretty hot. Its about 30° outside so even hotter in the shed but the humidity is low. I dont have any way to set up a light on a timer so i guess i will just have to wait and see how they are when i get back


Active Member
they may stunt or go into shock but they need airflow to breathe and if they cant breathe they suffocate and will start to die unless you want to drill some holes into the walls or install a nice window
I didnt think of this before but i think i will just put them under the house. The house is raised off the ground and there will be air flow, some light and still be hidden. Thanks for your help