Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

Leds seem limited and subject to future advancements, which have been slow so far. Theres a good reason their diodes come at low wattage and have done for a while now.

COBs, of course, being separate, as they are as good as HPS, and better, considering I use 274w for the same PPFD a 600w HPS puts out in a 4.5'x4.5' area.
This isn't true at all. Why do you think overwatering or watering too frequently suffocates the root zone? Maybe if you bubble before you handwater.
You really have no clue do you. Air bubbles from a stone introduces little DO into the water from the bubbles them self, It' from the surface tension of the water being broken at the surface. I've left gallons for weeks and never bubbled my water before i used them with-out any problems, Why, because as soon as i start pouring i,m breaking the surface tension of the water and our good friend atmospheric pressure does the job of oxygenation.
And lets be honest, how many hand waters are going to sit there all day and constantly feed their plants.
Sure you can drown you're plants, but if you're running a free draining medium like coir fiber, water all you want. I have even used coir in a water farm and probable would still if it wasn't a pain to have to refill 3 or 4 time a day for the plants drinking it up.
You really have no clue do you. Air bubbles from a stone introduces little DO into the water from the bubbles them self, It' from the surface tension of the water being broken at the surface. I've left gallons for weeks and never bubbled my water before i used them with-out any problems, Why, because as soon as i start pouring i,m breaking the surface tension of the water and our good friend atmospheric pressure does the job of oxygenation.
And lets be honest, how many hand waters are going to sit there all day and constantly feed their plants.
Sure you can drown you're plants, but if you're running a free draining medium like coir fiber, water all you want. I have even used coir in a water farm and probable would still if it wasn't a pain to have to refill 3 or 4 time a day for the plants drinking it up.
Dude. Shut up and look it up. Stop being deluded. If you don't know something, look it up.
Dude. Shut up and look it up. Stop being deluded. If you don't know something, look it up.

All your capable of is "looking" things up , AKA googling. You sound like a 7 year old with an ipad and fast Internet .

Listen to people who actually GROW plants. That way you will beable to get first hand information and not rely on growweedeasy.com
Dude. Shut up and look it up. Stop being deluded. If you don't know something, look it up.

You are the one who needs to read some more, maybe try some agricultural articles instead of believing what you read in these forum.
I have been growing MJ since 1971 ( probably before you where born) and have a agricultural degree from a respectable university, and farmed commercially for 35 years. I usually keep my mouth shut, but you're bullshit is intolerable.
So for now i'll just keep pulling 2 lbs from my 600 watt hps and 3 lbs from my 600-750de gavita, all in coir,all with a 25 day veg. All with feeds in the 350-400 ppm range ( 0.8ec )
Im kind of taking wild guesses as to the true watts of your led setup, somewhere around 200w?

4 x 54W = 216W plus driver = 225W observed at the wall socket. Four such modules light one 4x6' trellis panel for 37.5W/sq ft.

Six trellis panels to the rack, that's 5400W. It's about twice as much PPfD as the 5400W of '860W' CDM Allstart lamps they replaced. This was an intentional choice, specifically to see what effect matching the old setup watt for watt would produce.

No guesswork required, I'm happy to share.
You are the one who needs to read some more, maybe try some agricultural articles instead of believing what you read in these forum.
I have been growing MJ since 1971 ( probably before you where born) and have a agricultural degree from a respectable university, and farmed commercially for 35 years. I usually keep my mouth shut, but you're bullshit is intolerable.
So for now i'll just keep pulling 2 lbs from my 600 watt hps and 3 lbs from my 600-750de gavita, all in coir,all with a 25 day veg. All with feeds in the 350-400 ppm range ( 0.8ec )

Can you share your methods for pulling 2 lbs from a 600W hps please?? That is very impressive...
COBs, of course, being separate, as they are as good as HPS, and better, considering I use 274w for the same PPFD a 600w HPS puts out in a 4.5'x4.5' area.
But Olive you haven't even finished the veg stage and your already stating their better.....anywho I've tried to explain that until you have actually finished it you may be wise to just let people know the lights seem to be doing well ..... not that they are blowing away HID lol. Jesus you called me stubborn lol. Carry on, it's very entertaining when not annoying as fuck :).