Going from HPS to LED. Worth it?

how do you know she was not thirsty? or maybe the lights just went on? or some other reason? because you know it all...
Because it doesn't look like that at all. When it's bloated, waterlogged, and curling under itself from the side, that is clearly overwatering. When the leaves are dark and the tips are curling and clawing, that is N tox.

If it were droopy and NOT bloated and NOT curling under itself, that's the lights just coming on. If the leaves droop and look like they're not full of hydraulic pressure from being watered (as I said, they are clearly bloated), that is a sign they are thirst.
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I caught on to who you meant to quote and replied.

And I agree.

But your wrong . . .

If your looking to see if w plant has too much N, look for claw .

Is the plant clawing ? No . . Look at the top leaves .

Is the plant over watered ? The pot is pretty light and is in a 50/50 coco perlight mix - impossible to over water .

I hate to ask if you have grown before or if you have researched a lot and you are trying to use that knowledge to offer advice to others ? The reason I am making this assumption is because you have looked at the lower leaves and seen that they are dark green and not so pointy as the top leaves , because all information online says n toxicity is if leaves are dark green . What it doesn't tell you is that the leaves at the bottom of the plant are darker because the light doesn't reach as far . If you see the top leaves they are a nice light green .

Same thing with over watering , it says if the leaves droop it is over watering . What it doesn't tell you is the leaves will start dropping from the top first and work it's way down , not the other way around .

Nothing wrong with researching and practicing online diagnosing problems... . . Just know that ultimately , growing it yourself will give u the best experience and info , superior to anything you can read online .

Peace out
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But your wrong . . .

If your looking to see if w plant has too much N, look for claw .

Is the plant clawing ? No . . Look at the top leaves .

Is the plant over watered ? The pot is pretty light and is in a 50/50 coco perlight mix - impossible to over water .

I hate to ask if you have grown before or if you have researched a lot and you are trying to use that knowledge to offer advice to others ? The reason I am making this assumption is because you have looked at the lower leaves and seen that they are dark green and not so pointy as the top leaves , because all information online says n toxicity is if leaves are dark green . What it doesn't tell you is that the leaves at the bottom of the plant are darker because the light doesn't reach as far . If you see the top leaves they are a nice light green .

Same thing with over watering , it says if the leaves droop it is over watering . What it doesn't tell you is the leaves will start dropping from the top first and work it's way down , not the other way around .

Nothing wrong with researching and practicing online diagnosing problems... . . Just know that ultimately , growing it yourself will give u the best experience and info , superior to anything you can read online .

Peace out
The top leaves are praying due to hydraulic pressure increasing as it gets closer to the light. Doesn't mean it isn't N tox'd or overwatered. The leaves don't lie, I pointed out to you what I saw and have identified it 100% correctly, and you're just getting defensive. But fine, fuck up your plant, see what I care.

The top leaves are praying due to hydraulic pressure increasing as it gets closer to the light. Doesn't mean it isn't N tox'd or overwatered. The leaves don't lie, I pointed out to you what I saw and have identified it 100% correctly, and you're just getting defensive. But fine, fuck up your plant, see what I care.

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You are the one who is now personally attacking me , even saying that I am becoming defensive .

Your attacks show me that you are the one who is getting defensive .

You do not justify your facts , you simply are saying that you are right and I so wrong .

If your diagnoses is 100 percent correct , then please explain to me why my plant is not clawing on the tips of the leaves ? As that is s sign of too much N.

You now mention hydrolic pressure, if you knew how hydrolic pressure affected the plant then you wouldn't say it was under watered , as the pressure is lower the higher up you go. Now however you seem to be an expert on the matter ? Your lack of knowledge in your first post and now your "high level" knowledge about hydrolic pressure makes me believe you are simply googling information to support your theories .

Gl to you too . I wish you and your plants the best of luck , you'll need it .