Well-Known Member
Pre-charged, I only add a cal-mag product for the first few watering's after that ,there is enough in my hydroponic formula to see them through.
It's hard for me to believe that you water every 15 min and have trouble with deficiencies. What's you're nutrient profile like?
I am custom making my own chemical ferts...this is my first run...I am still playing with the formula.....My bloom formula is:
N (NO3-) 206.113 71.8% +/- 0%
K 269.145 -10.3% +/- 0%
P 158.955 32.5% +/- 0%
Mg 110 0% +/- 0%
Ca 259.817 -18.8% +/- 0%
S 145.584 127.5% +/- 0%
Fe 2.5 0% +/- 0.1%
Zn 0.1 0% +/- 3.3%
B 0.5 0% +/- 0.2%
Cu 0.2 0% +/- 1.3%
Mo 0.1 0% +/- 4%
Na 0.58 0% +/- 0%
Si 0 0% +/- 0%
Cl 0 0% +/- 0%
Mn 0.5 0% +/- 0.7%
N (NH4+) 0 0% +/- 0%
Now I know it may seem high in N for bloom nutes, but that is because I have pumped it with extra Calcium for the Coco. MG is pretty high too, for coco...
N is not my main element, CA is, even in my GROW mix. For whatever reason my COCO clings to the CA and MG!!
When I say deficient, I mean a few leaves out of hundreds of leaves....but I want to perfect my formula...I want ALL green leaves