going ok on 4th week veg 600w hps but...


got some leaf curling on a couple of plants, pots feel pretty light but there is still moisture in the soil, the curling leaves are dryish and if i bend one up it wont bounce back (as pictured) they are only getting fed/watered every 2-3 days at the mo.. in 2 gal pots feeding 20-10-20 with micro's. mostly all green and loving life....but these couple wont get with the program



Well-Known Member
I was going thru same thing but worse... Besides u may be root bound at 5 weeks in a 2 gal which will do all sorts of weird stuff, I would give straight water. I didn't realise just how much food is already in the soil. Flush with straight h20, prop up plant on some empty cups and flood them until the cups are filling with its drainage. Ph and ppm the run-off. After a transplant I suddenly had some nute burn issues. Did this check and water out was almost 1600 ppm.


Thanks i think you could be right. too much N. i will flush through and just give them water for a bit until they improve. cheers guys