Going on a cruise


Well-Known Member
i'll be taking a cruise next month, leaving galveston,tx and going to jamicia, mexico, and grand caymen islands. i'm wondering if this would be a good time to take a tolerence break or if i'm going to be alright rolling a few joints and taking them with me and blaze up while underway. tell me your thoughts and expirence with the subject. thanks, kevin:peace:
Its a matter of personal choice. No matter what anyone says there ARE places to smoke WHEREVER you are. You just gotta find them. If you wanna roll a few J's and take em to the poop deck I dont see any issues here. However if your a "rather safe than sorry" kinda guy, take the tolerance break and when you back.......burn the blunt and hang on for the ride


Well-Known Member
i thought we already talked about this...

buy the weed somewhere and take it on board in your pocket...

if your caught at sea you'll just be dropped off at the next stop and not be allowed to board again.... happens more than you think.... cruise lines gain nothing by having guests arrested for pot so they just take the drugs, destroy them, and drop you off the next port... make sure you get rid of it before coming back to the US...

roll a joint and smoke on deck... if a guard comes too close you can flick it overboard..... have cigarettes in your pocket just in case...


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm All honesty I have been on a few cruises.

FIrst off do you have a balcony? If so OMG take some Js like nice ones too! HOLY HELL chillin on your balcony, looking at the sea, and other things well that with weed? I would imagine would be the definition of RELAXATION

I say take some Js, big Fat ones too!

Just be sure to put them out, haha last thing you want is to set the boat on fire, lol can you imagine the headlines? Marijuana smoker burns down an entire cruise!

Furthermore any plans for Jamaica (my favorite)? Mexico is so so imo, Grand Cayman is REALLY nice


Active Member
I'd take some for sure, but I don't like to drink that much, in my eyes thats the big decider. If your taking a cruise then odds are your spending the money to have a good ass time and alcohol or weed make that time even better. If you like drinking then why not take a t-break and just enjoy an nice cold beverage on the sea or beach, and when you get home you'll get real nice and stoney real quick. But, if you prefer a smoke then bring some bud with you and toke fat

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Dude I took the same cruise a couple years ago on carnival. Left galveston and went to jamaica, grand caymen, and cozumel. It was pretty awesome.

I debated taking some with me, but I had to fly from michigan so I finally decided to take a tolerance break. Once we got past the airport though security is a breeze. No drug dogs, and no thorough searches getting on the cruise ship. Getting on the ship at ports is a joke of security, absolutely no risk of getting busted unless you are smoking it. Getting on the ship initially was also a joke. Getting back through customs once we got back was a bit more thorough, but I could have easily gotten through that too (but why not smoke it all while on the ship?).

I would not recommend taking weed through the airport. You probably have a 99.9% chance of getting through with it, but 0.1% chance is pretty high I think. If you aren't going to fly I suggest you roll up enough to sustain you for the entire trip, seal it up really well, and crotch it. Board that cruise ship with a very secure package under your package in tighty whiteys. Plenty of opportunities to be alone on the ship and blaze on the open ocean. Or you can sneak a doob or two off the ship when you go onto the islands and find a spot to blaze up. Or bring enough to do both.

I also recommend going to buy a cheap underwater mask and perhaps a snorkel from walmart. A lot of people don't like grand caymen all that much - I didn't explore it too much, I just went swimming with my mask and underwater camera and saw tons of tropical fish just off shore. It was like a shore excursion to see colorful fish but totally free!

I did the zip line in jamaica and it was awesome. Other than that jamaica was an absolute shit hole. The port we stopped at was gated and we were not allowed to leave without hiring a guide. If you could take a 100 mile long shit, and plop it in tropical waters, then get a bunch of poor theiving niggers to live on it and take advantage of tourist you'd have a decent substitute for jamaica. Absolutely worthless country that I will never go back to.

Also don't expect to find all kinds of cheap prescription drugs in Mexico. Everyone always told me you can get any kind of drug you want for dirt cheap because everything is totally unregulated. Not true at all. You cannot buy ANY narcotics over the counter. You can buy antibiotics and I think you could get viagra (not positive on that. I didn't buy any), but it was not cheap. If you have insurance of any kind you will be far better off obtaining drugs legally in the US through a doctor and pharmacy. I suppose if you know you have a bacterial infection, and have no insurance, and happen to be in mexico, then it might be beneficial to visit their pharmacy. Other than that it's a waste of time in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Dude I took the same cruise a couple years ago on carnival. Left galveston and went to jamaica, grand caymen, and cozumel. It was pretty awesome.

I debated taking some with me, but I had to fly from michigan so I finally decided to take a tolerance break. Once we got past the airport though security is a breeze. No drug dogs, and no thorough searches getting on the cruise ship. Getting on the ship at ports is a joke of security, absolutely no risk of getting busted unless you are smoking it. Getting on the ship initially was also a joke. Getting back through customs once we got back was a bit more thorough, but I could have easily gotten through that too (but why not smoke it all while on the ship?).

I would not recommend taking weed through the airport. You probably have a 99.9% chance of getting through with it, but 0.1% chance is pretty high I think. If you aren't going to fly I suggest you roll up enough to sustain you for the entire trip, seal it up really well, and crotch it. Board that cruise ship with a very secure package under your package in tighty whiteys. Plenty of opportunities to be alone on the ship and blaze on the open ocean. Or you can sneak a doob or two off the ship when you go onto the islands and find a spot to blaze up. Or bring enough to do both.

I also recommend going to buy a cheap underwater mask and perhaps a snorkel from walmart. A lot of people don't like grand caymen all that much - I didn't explore it too much, I just went swimming with my mask and underwater camera and saw tons of tropical fish just off shore. It was like a shore excursion to see colorful fish but totally free!

I did the zip line in jamaica and it was awesome. Other than that jamaica was an absolute shit hole. The port we stopped at was gated and we were not allowed to leave without hiring a guide. If you could take a 100 mile long shit, and plop it in tropical waters, then get a bunch of poor theiving niggers to live on it and take advantage of tourist you'd have a decent substitute for jamaica. Absolutely worthless country that I will never go back to.

Also don't expect to find all kinds of cheap prescription drugs in Mexico. Everyone always told me you can get any kind of drug you want for dirt cheap because everything is totally unregulated. Not true at all. You cannot buy ANY narcotics over the counter. You can buy antibiotics and I think you could get viagra (not positive on that. I didn't buy any), but it was not cheap. If you have insurance of any kind you will be far better off obtaining drugs legally in the US through a doctor and pharmacy. I suppose if you know you have a bacterial infection, and have no insurance, and happen to be in mexico, then it might be beneficial to visit their pharmacy. Other than that it's a waste of time in my opinion.
by the way you speak i can tell you are nothing but a huge asshole.

jamaica is one of the poorest countries on earth, you stopped at Kingston, the city with the highest per capita murder rate in the world. you would'nt have lasted 4 minutes with that attitude. they SAVED YOUR LIFE. LITERALLY.

and the only reason you didn't get percocet at the mexican drug store is b/c you are a mean, worthless gringo. i can go to mexico and get whatever I want, b/c i'm not an asshole (speaking spanish helps too)..... and it's dirt cheap if you know how to negotiate..... 20 bucks got me quite a few pills last time i went, and i was 15....... :P


Active Member
I couldnt go on a cruise without something to smoke on! being on the ocean alone begs for that! ide take some with just in case, roll a few Js..then on your ports of call, get yourself random samples to taste and take back to the ship with you! what could be better? FINDING a plac e to smoke is fun for me lol! like hunting out a spot and securing it down or just the thrill of i MIGHT get caught heh. anything can be flicked over..if a guard asks, say "damn man you just missed it! sorry!" lol and go on your way! im jealous! i wanna go!


Well-Known Member
Dude I took the same cruise a couple years ago on carnival. Left galveston and went to jamaica, grand caymen, and cozumel. It was pretty awesome.

I debated taking some with me, but I had to fly from michigan so I finally decided to take a tolerance break. Once we got past the airport though security is a breeze. No drug dogs, and no thorough searches getting on the cruise ship. Getting on the ship at ports is a joke of security, absolutely no risk of getting busted unless you are smoking it. Getting on the ship initially was also a joke. Getting back through customs once we got back was a bit more thorough, but I could have easily gotten through that too (but why not smoke it all while on the ship?).

I would not recommend taking weed through the airport. You probably have a 99.9% chance of getting through with it, but 0.1% chance is pretty high I think. If you aren't going to fly I suggest you roll up enough to sustain you for the entire trip, seal it up really well, and crotch it. Board that cruise ship with a very secure package under your package in tighty whiteys. Plenty of opportunities to be alone on the ship and blaze on the open ocean. Or you can sneak a doob or two off the ship when you go onto the islands and find a spot to blaze up. Or bring enough to do both.

I also recommend going to buy a cheap underwater mask and perhaps a snorkel from walmart. A lot of people don't like grand caymen all that much - I didn't explore it too much, I just went swimming with my mask and underwater camera and saw tons of tropical fish just off shore. It was like a shore excursion to see colorful fish but totally free!

I did the zip line in jamaica and it was awesome. Other than that jamaica was an absolute shit hole. The port we stopped at was gated and we were not allowed to leave without hiring a guide. If you could take a 100 mile long shit, and plop it in tropical waters, then get a bunch of poor theiving niggers to live on it and take advantage of tourist you'd have a decent substitute for jamaica. Absolutely worthless country that I will never go back to.

Also don't expect to find all kinds of cheap prescription drugs in Mexico. Everyone always told me you can get any kind of drug you want for dirt cheap because everything is totally unregulated. Not true at all. You cannot buy ANY narcotics over the counter. You can buy antibiotics and I think you could get viagra (not positive on that. I didn't buy any), but it was not cheap. If you have insurance of any kind you will be far better off obtaining drugs legally in the US through a doctor and pharmacy. I suppose if you know you have a bacterial infection, and have no insurance, and happen to be in mexico, then it might be beneficial to visit their pharmacy. Other than that it's a waste of time in my opinion.
Man you had a bad experience, Jamaica is the shit, I was literally haggled once, some guy asked me to buy some Beeds thats is all, the rest of it was bad ass, climbing waterfalls, and took some tours of some tropical grow area, watched people climb and get coconuts our tour guides at this place were epic to say the least, they joked and spoke good english. Jamaica was epic......

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Also don't expect to find all kinds of cheap prescription drugs in Mexico. Everyone always told me you can get any kind of drug you want for dirt cheap because everything is totally unregulated. Not true at all. You cannot buy ANY narcotics over the counter. You can buy antibiotics and I think you could get viagra (not positive on that. I didn't buy any), but it was not cheap. If you have insurance of any kind you will be far better off obtaining drugs legally in the US through a doctor and pharmacy. I suppose if you know you have a bacterial infection, and have no insurance, and happen to be in mexico, then it might be beneficial to visit their pharmacy. Other than that it's a waste of time in my opinion.
I had this issue when i went too, after four days of asking every pharmacy if the had Vicodin and getting shot down. My wife and i met this couple that explained how to do it.
You go to the pharmacy and tell them you have a script for whatever you want in the sates and you forgot it. If they
believe you, they will call a doctor over the phone and after speaking with the doctor (again on the phone) he will issue a script to the pharmacy. We then followed them to a pharmacy (one that shot me down the day before) and sure enough he and his wife walked out with, a year supply of birth control, contacts, Vicodin (not a year supply..lol), and some Xanax (i think)...totally blew my friggen mind.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
by the way you speak i can tell you are nothing but a huge asshole.

jamaica is one of the poorest countries on earth, you stopped at Kingston, the city with the highest per capita murder rate in the world. you would'nt have lasted 4 minutes with that attitude. they SAVED YOUR LIFE. LITERALLY.
No actually I went to Montego Bay, clear on the other side of the island. I would rather not visit unsafe shit holes that endanger my life though. You seem to get all upset at me bad mouthing jamaica, and your rebuttle is that it's one of the poorest countries with one of the highest per capita murder rates.

and the only reason you didn't get percocet at the mexican drug store is b/c you are a mean, worthless gringo. i can go to mexico and get whatever I want, b/c i'm not an asshole (speaking spanish helps too)..... and it's dirt cheap if you know how to negotiate..... 20 bucks got me quite a few pills last time i went, and i was 15....... :P
If you know who to ask, and where to ask, and what to ask, i'm sure you could buy just about anything. That is true for any place. My point is that people present the situation as if you can purchase any type of drug without regulation off a store shelf, like its a bag of chips or something. If those are your expectation you will be disappointed, even if you are not mean.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the replies. i rolled a dozen joints last night for the trip. when taking plane trips i put them in a cigarette pack and carry them in my pocket, think i'll do the same here. just needed some reassurance.