Going on a tolerance break


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong, I love weed, but maybe just a little too much. Maybe to the point where I don't really like it anymore. I just don't get high enough and its sort of like a new lifestyle (of a lot of shitty highs).

In the past 6 months I've smoked everyday 1-5 times a day, apart from roughly a dozen random days.

Now it feels like no matter how much I smoke, I don't get high like I used to. It's just nowhere near as intense. I mean I don't ever even get paranoid anymore. That's one thing I remember about the times I got the most high, but those were also the most fun.

I've read that a person who smokes as much as I do has some THC in their body fat. It also said that body fat THC takes 4-6 weeks to get out.

Anyways I was wondering based on my weed tolerance how long would be a long enough break to get me back to an almost THC free state?

I was thinking around a week, that'd be hard enough, haha.

Suggestions? Similar Experience?

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Yes it happenes to the best of us.It helps if you have two or three different strains to rotate every couple of days.
When i get burned out and take a break,i don't ever go for more than 3 days.OPH :joint:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
look at how good a nice relaxing smoke will be after a week off... do it man then post about the difference

i have family in Seattle the Richardson's they have a set of twins that were crazy


Well-Known Member
i smoke everyday because I actually need it to fall asleep. A lot of people on this website feel what you are feeling. I suggest you grow a heavy indica to knock you out. Im growing aurora indica and its meant to be quite strong..so looking forward to that.
But im not sure how long thc stays in your fat. im so high


Well-Known Member
i smoke everyday because I actually need it to fall asleep. A lot of people on this website feel what you are feeling. I suggest you grow a heavy indica to knock you out. Im growing aurora indica and its meant to be quite strong..so looking forward to that.
But im not sure how long thc stays in your fat. im so high
hey dude 35 years on a daily basis tells me your not doing it right.take a few days off then wake and bake and dont puff constantly all day.earn your puff!school,work,volunteer whatever make yourself a better person and earn that puff.your feeling like a junkie cause ya aint treating the herb with the right respect.peace:weed:


Well-Known Member
hey dude 35 years on a daily basis tells me your not doing it right.take a few days off then wake and bake and dont puff constantly all day.earn your puff!school,work,volunteer whatever make yourself a better person and earn that puff.your feeling like a junkie cause ya aint treating the herb with the right respect.peace:weed:
huh? what did I say


Well-Known Member
oh man i been smokin for bout 4-5 years nonstop im not going to say everyday cuz im sure i had some days i didint smoke and i took a 3 month break, i took 1 hitt of a blunt and i was super high!! and it was some reg swag weed, and i was blown


New Member
i keep atleat 3-6 different strains usually kush with like another sativa or so but i get a nice bake and i know when i been smokin a strain too long i start to build a tolerance up to that strain


Well-Known Member
switching strains wont help that much if your tolerance is already fucked. what defines tolerance in cannabis users is the amount of cannabinoid receptors available in your brain. the more you smoke, the less of these become available. they get tired.

so if you're in my situation, where you already grew dank and your tolerance is fucked, switching strains wont do much good, you need a good t-break to give your cbn receptors a break.


Well-Known Member
I'm just doing a week break right now...picked up running again to try and get as much THC out of my system as possible(if that even really matters?):leaf: I hope I get fucking blazed off ONE joint. MMM fuck...the good days, now like 2 blunts (edit:group blunts not all to me) and I'm HIGH but not as high as I used to get...


Well-Known Member
iv'e been smokin for about 7 years now, done everythin fromm smokin 4.5-5 oz personal weed (not counting friends weed) a month, to smokin 1 joint every friday for a year, just to get that tolerance back up... now im back to blazin 1 fatty each and everysingle day..