Going on a Trip HELP


Well-Known Member
Ok, in about 15 days im going on a trip for 10 days.

In the meantime I have to find a way to keep my plant
in good health.

I have it in a tupper wear container, laced with tin foil,
Its on for 16/8 if i leave it closed it will be too hot.

shes only 6 days old as of today counting the germination

But I am doing it secretly in my closet, because of family.

So my question is:
"How can I take care of my plant while im out of town without having
to worry about fire, plant drying out, or family finding it?"


the thing that makes it harder is that i have an animal that will
be tending to when im gone... eh!

heres a visual



New Member
ummm take it with you...lol...no actally go to look up the wick system an stelth growing i would look at growfaqs then hit google...


Well-Known Member
10 days is a long time to leave it inside alone. So much can go wrong. Any chance of putting it outdoors? If no, you could try a drip method to water. Suspend a gallon bucket full of water above the plant. Make a very small hole to allow one drip every minute or so. You have 15 days to experiment with how long a gallon of water would last you with various sized drop holes. As far as the lights, make sure they are secured properly and can't fall on your plants. Try and distribute the load on several circuits (i.e., don't plug 20 lights on one circuit) to prevent overloading or shorting one circuit. Ideally you want your lights 2" away if you are doing a CFL grow but in 10 days, your plants could grow a lot more than 2". I would place the lights 4"-6" from the top of the plants. Of course, you'll have stretching and thin stems but they'll still be alive. You also need a timer to set your 18/6 cycle. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. but i forgot to mention that There is an animal to be tended to so there will be someone constantly going in and out of the room. Ah! the bucket thing sounds good, but that means I'd have to take it out of the little grow box, but then light will emit through the edges of my closet.

And I do have a timer, just have been using it for other plants... MINTS haha,
but I wouldnt mind switching that over.

And I cant put it outside unfortunatly.



Well-Known Member
Stav, seriously, after looking at your plant and how young it is, I'd just chalk this one plant up as a loss and start over when you get back. It isn't worth the risk of being discovered by the pet caretaker. You don't even know if the plant is a female yet, so you might go through all this elaborate setup only to find out it's a male. I'd just give it to a close friend for keeping if there's anyone you trust enough or just get kill it. You are only talking about 6 days wasted so far, not a big deal.


Well-Known Member
yea but... its a first grow... lol.

and the pot is about 8-10 inches down and 6 across.

the container at the angle i have it is about 2 1/2-3 feet tall and about 2 wide, 3 feet deep.

Eh... I was looking foreward to this.


Well-Known Member
^ lmao no its not my dad. I havent had a dad since i was 3. just someone i referred to the site
who is high 24/7

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
So my question is:
"How can I take care of my plant while im out of town without having
to worry about fire, plant drying out, or family finding it?"
The solution for you, my young friend, is to shut off the light and compost the plants.

This site does not exist to contribute to the delinquency of minors.

On top of that, if you get caught growing, in many places, the house can be seized by police and sold. Anyone found in the house can be arrested and charged, whether they knew about the grow op or not. It's totally unfair to grow in a place where everyone who lives there isn't fully aware of the grow op.

Growing dope is an ADULT sport with real risks and penalties. Give it up until you have your own place.


Well-Known Member
Interesting i dont recall saying how old I was. for all you know i could be in my 20's or i could be 8.

Much appreciated Fuct. Well Hell, I will definatly refer (more)people to this site. haha. sarz

be eeez.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Ok, in about 15 days im going on a trip for 10 days.

In the meantime I have to find a way to keep my plant
in good health.

I have it in a tupper wear container, laced with tin foil,
Its on for 16/8 if i leave it closed it will be too hot.

shes only 6 days old as of today counting the germination

But I am doing it secretly in my closet, because of family.

So my question is:
"How can I take care of my plant while im out of town without having
to worry about fire, plant drying out, or family finding it?"


the thing that makes it harder is that i have an animal that will
be tending to when im gone... eh!

heres a visual
I can't believe you are trying to grow that in your closet and your familiy has no idea, man you are crazy. I would not leave that plant there when you go away in case the petcare person or a family member finds it. What if that pet got into it and ate it? (not sure what kinda pet it is). Or even worse a fire breaks out or police find it. Then you and your family are toast. Dude, let a friend take care of it for you or put it outside. It really is not worth the risk. If you are set on keeping it, try the drip method advised earlier. It might just work for you. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
um... Your losing alot of light by have the sides of the bucket so high, they are shading it from alot of the light. I would cut the sides down a bit. Also yeh I would just get rid of it, its so young, take you a week to get another one that big, and you wouldnt have to worry about it when your on your trip.
