Going on three weeks now

Hey I planted this one about three weeks ago and Im new to growing. I got it growing under a HO gro light 24 hours a day. Someone tell me if this if on pace and if she looks healthy.:confused:



Well-Known Member
shes really small for 3 weeks of growth. if you didnt germinate the seed prior to planting i could see that as the problem but it looks mayb a lil over watered and it could be growing slowly because the water your using isnt in the right ph zone. try and get a cheap jug of plain distilled water and any grocery/walmart store. thats what i use, its normally pretty balanced ph and its good for soil grows. remember only to water it after the soils pretty dry, not desert dry but not moist. good luck!
It doesn't look like it's growing very fast. Make sure you're not watering every day, it definitely looks over watered. It's not a goner yet, I don't know what an HO grow light is, but if your trying to be cheap use a 23 watt cfl. Also, buy a PH meter from home depot, they're like 12 bucks.


Well-Known Member
o dude it is def. not a gonner!! its a baby, no big deal- just put your lights closer and water less with lil bit better water. itll pick up and take off in a week or two. if anything grab some more cfl's and place them close. try taking some adjustable lamps like a reading lamp or somthing and placing it a couple inches away from it. put it vertically above the plant so it doesnt take off in the wrong direction and end up crooked.

man.....i wish i never got busted lol, i miss growin bad.