Going out to get some supplies. Im a newb... Is this all i need to start?

Hello fellow reefers,
A couple days ago i had a marvelous idea. I should grow my own weed. Money is tight these days, and i am quite bored with my life. So it's time for something new!! :D

I researched "the internet" and found loads of information & constructed an shopping list. My goal would be to grow 2-3 plants, outdoor and organic, for my own use.
Also, any kind of tips and "what not to do's" are greatly appreciated.

So here is what i got so far!.

* Soil
* Sprouting Box ( or any germination devices, bought or home made)
*Polymer crystals ( for later use )
* Thermometer
* Soil humidity device...thingy.
* Pots ( Not sure if needed, or if it would be better to directly plant into the ground.)
* Seeds

Anything else? Thank you in advance for taking the time to read. And even more thanks if you reply. :D


Well-Known Member
I recommend getting a book or two, to use as reference materiel at the very least. I just purchased "The Cannabis Grow Bible" by Greg Green and it is pretty up to date with lots of helpful pictures and diagrams. You will find a lot of great information on the internet but I always try to find some type of consensus before I listen to any one particular individual's advice. I find that a lot of people post haphazardly or hastily and this leads to a great deal of misinformation.

As for supplies, I grow indoors so I am not all that informed on outdoor grows but off the bat I would say you need:

-PH tester for making sure the nutrient solution that you give the plants will be in the proper state for the plants to be able to use the nutrients (look up nutrient lock)
-some good outdoor nutrients (you can use nutrients for tomatoes if you don't have a hydro store or nursery close by)
-and a good, secure location that won't get ripped off

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
It all depends on what kind of results you expect to see, my friend. Weed will grow with little more than a hole in the ground and a bit of water, but weed that is taken care of/nurtured will, of course, show much better results (it's kind of like "you get what you pat for", but really good grows can also be executed under a small budget.) But yea anyways, I would start with a simple list and then you can modify your gear as need be. For starters I would say go with:
  • pH tester of some sort (Testing the run-off water is suggested but if your budget is low then a soil pH tester is better than no tester... pH indicator solution & litmus strips are reasonably inexpensive as well.)
  • Nutrients (basic 3 part nutrients work very well, usually in soil or hydro methods.)
  • Good, purified water.
An example shopping list?:
  • pots/planters
  • nutrients/fertilizer (preferably a mix with a higher nitrogen content for vegetative growth and something with more phosphorous and potassium for flowering stages.)
  • Pesticide
  • pH pen
  • PPM tester (parts per million)
  • Jiffy pellets or rockwool cubes
  • Seed starter tray or mini greenhouse (my "greenhouse" for sprouts is a clear plastic tote turned upside down -5 bucks tops.)
  • Spray bottle
  • Thermometer/Hygrometer
  • Security
  • Good Sunlight
  • Good seeds (from a recommended breeder.)
  • Improvise!
The internet will help you much along the way- If it's your first grow you are likely to experience deficiencies, toxicities, pests and other problems but you can usually find the solution with a good search engine or right here in the R.I.U. forums... there are many good growers on here and MOST of them are really friendly and helpful. Good luck man!!
I recommend getting a book or two, to use as reference materiel at the very least. I just purchased "The Cannabis Grow Bible" by Greg Green and it is pretty up to date with lots of helpful pictures and diagrams. You will find a lot of great information on the internet but I always try to find some type of consensus before I listen to any one particular individual's advice. I find that a lot of people post haphazardly or hastily and this leads to a great deal of misinformation.

As for supplies, I grow indoors so I am not all that informed on outdoor grows but off the bat I would say you need:

-PH tester for making sure the nutrient solution that you give the plants will be in the proper state for the plants to be able to use the nutrients (look up nutrient lock)
-some good outdoor nutrients (you can use nutrients for tomatoes if you don't have a hydro store or nursery close by)
-and a good, secure location that won't get ripped off

Good luck!
I shall look into that book for sure. :) Thank the internet for amazon haha. Thank you very much for the advice. ^^
It all depends on what kind of results you expect to see, my friend. Weed will grow with little more than a hole in the ground and a bit of water, but weed that is taken care of/nurtured will, of course, show much better results (it's kind of like "you get what you pat for", but really good grows can also be executed under a small budget.) But yea anyways, I would start with a simple list and then you can modify your gear as need be. For starters I would say go with:
  • pH tester of some sort (Testing the run-off water is suggested but if your budget is low then a soil pH tester is better than no tester... pH indicator solution & litmus strips are reasonably inexpensive as well.)
  • Nutrients (basic 3 part nutrients work very well, usually in soil or hydro methods.)
  • Good, purified water.
An example shopping list?:
  • pots/planters
  • nutrients/fertilizer (preferably a mix with a higher nitrogen content for vegetative growth and something with more phosphorous and potassium for flowering stages.)
  • Pesticide
  • pH pen
  • PPM tester (parts per million)
  • Jiffy pellets or rockwool cubes
  • Seed starter tray or mini greenhouse (my "greenhouse" for sprouts is a clear plastic tote turned upside down -5 bucks tops.)
  • Spray bottle
  • Thermometer/Hygrometer
  • Security
  • Good Sunlight
  • Good seeds (from a recommended breeder.)
  • Improvise!
The internet will help you much along the way- If it's your first grow you are likely to experience deficiencies, toxicities, pests and other problems but you can usually find the solution with a good search engine or right here in the R.I.U. forums... there are many good growers on here and MOST of them are really friendly and helpful. Good luck man!!
Would tap water do that same, as nice purified water? I do live in BC and my father has told me that the tap water is " the best in town".
I shall add these items to my list aswell! I do like your idea for a greenhouse, i love to recycle old stuff and have it not cost me $$$. Like most people i guess. :P

So i assume that since im a 1st timmer to this whole buisness that i should probably plant more then i plan to, in case that i screw up?
Thank in advance! ;D


I am also growing for the first time this year, and am growing outdoors. However, I used to do research with organic agricultural methods, so I plan on mainly using the techniques that we did with our organic tomato's. We constantly were doing tests for everything in the soil.. basics such as ph, conductivity, metals, nitrogen, phoshporus, carbon, etc... as well as surveys of the bacteria in the soils. I learned this much, that, at least for me, much of it isn't even needed (the testing that is). As for me, I found myself a nice soil with a healthy layer of humus and leaf litter, in a somewhat moist area. My guestimate is that this soil has most everything in a "good enough" balance for me to use. I am also going out in a few days to find a much dryer soil, so this way I am sure one, if not both, will give good results. I am hoping that the wetter area will need very little work on my part, and do not plan on going out very often. I'd prefer it that way to reduce any chances of being seen. However, I am sure the dryer soil that I plan on choosing will need more effort on my part.. but idk, i'm a noob ;P In my opinion, I am not going to plant "more" plants, just put them in multiple locations with different soil conditions, and I'm sure that for next year I'll have a much better idea of the effects. The best way to learn about what works in your particular area of the country is to do a bit of experimentation, as everywhere will likely be different in one way or another. As far as ph and all that goes, I'm not even going to measure it at all. I'm just going to add a little bit of fertilizer to the soil about a week before I plant, then kind of play it as the season progresses. Again, just my opinion, and like others have said, I'm just another person on the net with one ;P

cheers and good luck to you


Well-Known Member
dont listen to B3RNY, you dont need all that fancy shit just to grow a plant

i am assuming that you want to grow in pots, if you have the land you should plant them in holes. You will get much larger plants

all you really need are

-Seeds, obviously

-seed starting soil or jiffy peat pellets

-plastic party cups

-some regular potting soil

-maybe some extra perlite

-larger pots

-fish emulsion fert. for veg. high in nitrogen.
You can get this almost anywhere

-you can worry about flowering nutrients later