Going right into flowering


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried taking a baby at about 3 or 4 inches and putting it into flowering stage? If so, what was the outcome?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried taking a baby at about 3 or 4 inches and putting it into flowering stage? If so, what was the outcome?
I did that for my last grow with my F1 PPP. it was a 70/30 - indica/sativa hybrid...it grew to be about 2.5ft and yeilded about 1/4oz. It was the most potent of my last harvest but also the lowest yeilding plant. Finished in 9 weeks...i decided to reveg her, clone her and grow her peoperly. Right now she stands at about 1.5ft and Ive cut about 10-12 clones from her.


Well-Known Member
I did that for my last grow with my F1 PPP. it was a 70/30 - indica/sativa hybrid...it grew to be about 2.5ft and yeilded about 1/4oz. It was the most potent of my last harvest but also the lowest yeilding plant. Finished in 9 weeks...i decided to reveg her, clone her and grow her peoperly. Right now she stands at about 1.5ft and Ive cut about 10-12 clones from her.
Only a 1/4 Oz. off a 2.5ft. plant? :-(


Well-Known Member
Only a 1/4 Oz. off a 2.5ft. plant? :-(
yeah, 12/12 from seed doesnt give u high yeild. Its actually only supposed to give u one cola, but it stretched on me a lot during flowering and i topped it kinda late. plus it was only growing under 1- 13W CFL and 2- 26W CFL's so im sure if i would vegged it longer and had the lighting i currently have then it would been much better off. As you can see in the pics below I had 4 other plants that were about 21 days older than this one. so this one was at the bottom under the canopy so it stretched to get more lighting I guess..

this was the plant...

All of these pics came from my 2 grow journals...the first goes up till the harvest of everything except the bottom 1/3, from there everything came from my revegg journal.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 5

Day 7

Day 9

Day 12

Day 14

^^Thats when I shoulda topped her

Day 18

Day 19

^^Thats when I DID top her, and you can see she already began stretching here

Day 25

Day 26

I cut the top two buds off on day 40

43 days..this was after the first harvest of the top 2 buds

47 days - I harvested everything except the last 1/3...begining of reveg

51 days - chopped down the bare part of the stem

84 days/33 Days of revgging
thats the latest photo i have of the plant


Active Member
whoa. hold on. You can reveg plants and just keep one plant going indefinately? and the plant will be ok? no sacrifices to the plants health or anything like that? suprised ive never heard of this before... any insight would be helpful


Well-Known Member
whoa. hold on. You can reveg plants and just keep one plant going indefinately? and the plant will be ok? no sacrifices to the plants health or anything like that? suprised ive never heard of this before... any insight would be helpful
I do believe they crap out after 2 or 3 harvests. and they are never as good as the original.


Well-Known Member
I do believe they crap out after 2 or 3 harvests. and they are never as good as the original.
You're right, the only reason you would reveg is because you're low on seeds/mothers or because you loved the genetics of that particular plant, but the yield will never be the same unless you veg it for a hella long time.


Well-Known Member
I do believe they crap out after 2 or 3 harvests. and they are never as good as the original.
not true..well not in my case anyways.

This one came back stronger than before, its vegging a lot healthier and faster than it did the first time. Ive taken about 10 clones off of her so far and all of them rooted fully within 7-10 days. my other clones are taking as long as 14-21 days to show small nubs.

I've heard of people keeping plants as long as 10years+ and never said the potency or quality goes down hill. I'll probably keep this one around as a mother till she's about 2ft tall then im gonna flower her and keep a clone behind as a mother.


Well-Known Member
on my current crop i vegged till they where 5 inches tall then flowered them sluts. im about 1 week from harvest and the buds look super sexy. also i used 3 liter soda bottles for pots. just remember if you gonna flower them around 5-6 inches you should have more plants.


Well-Known Member
Alright thats what I like to hear, what kind of yield does it look like youre going to get? And what kind of lighting are you using?


Well-Known Member
i chopped down 3 of the smallest plants and got 3/4 ounce. i have 9 left to chopp. looks like ill get around 4 ounces more. from seeds to harvest itll take me less then 3 months.


Well-Known Member
If one used HPS in this instance I would assume the yeild to be much larger? I was expecting to hear off a 2.5 footer with good lighting one would get an ounce or two? (with HPS)