Going to force my female into a male

Sts is better (silver thiosulfate)
You can buy colloidal silver just about anywhere. There's lots of sellers on amazon. Don't get dupped into buying one 'for weed' it's all the same stuff (maybe different ppm) just anything 'made for cannabis' costs 10x more at min. Lol.
As h&s said you can make your own colloidal silver and sts. It's easy. If you can mix nutes you can make it.
The pro with STS is once you buy the silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate anhydrous (or pentahydrate) you'll have enough for many many many breeding projects. Just mix what you need and store the 'a&b' seperate and mix em up when you need it. Mixed soultion will stay good for a month or so (kept in a dark cool location) and the stock a&b powders will be good for months and months. Maybe longer? Not totally sure exactly how long but it's a long while.
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Sts is better (silver thiosulfate)
You can buy colloidal silver just about anywhere. There's lots of sellers on amazon. Don't get dupped into buying one 'for weed' it's all the same stuff (maybe different ppm) just anything 'made for cannabis' costs 10x more at min. Lol.
As h&s said you can make your own colloidal silver and sts. It's easy. If you can mix nutes you can make it.
The pro with STS is once you buy the silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate anhydrous (or pentahydrate) you'll have enough for many many many breeding projects. Just mix what you need and store the 'a&b' seperate and mix em up when you need it. Mixed soultion will stay good for a month or so (kept in a dark cool location) and the stock a&b powders will be good for months and months. Maybe longer? Not totally sure exactly how long but it's a long while.
My plants just started showing sex. Is it too late to spray or no?
tiresias mist or femajuana for me
That’s that stuff that’ll go for 20-25 for like 8oz?
I’ve used CS at 30 ppm with success. I’ll agree with anyone saying sts is faster, because the CS takes weeks. I sprayed for 14 days daily 2x a day, I didn’t see balls til I was in 3rd week of flower.
These are male parts growing in below.
Unfortunately the pollen was thrown away incidentally, so I never got to use it to test viability.
This last round I had success in creating male parts on a solo cup clone & pollinating another larger clone in the same space. The pollen took, and seeds started popping through. It's currently hanging to dry after 10 weeks of flowering. Not all the seeds are mature, but I'm ok with it. Opening the space sooner was more important. DDVJ0026.JPG

The CS I bought was this:
