Going to grow shop tomorrow , yellow leaves a ph or N problem ? With photos

My leaves are turning a bit yellow . So ph and/or N ? which needs to be corrected . Plus i think there might be a fungus on the plants leaves soo check if you see something please .



Well-Known Member
looks overwatered, overnuted, and salt locked. That soil looks dense as fuck...it almost looks like straight composted and still decomposing leaves...Buy perlite...try and lift the plant+roots+soil that its attached to out of those containers and mix a shitton of it up in the soil...its not draining for shit...your root system is suffocating...

Unless I'm completely off base thats what it looks like to me....have you ever PH'ed your soil? If its random shit dug out of the ground that might be way off...buy a tester they are pretty cheap :)


Active Member
looks overwatered, overnuted, and salt locked. That soil looks dense as fuck...it almost looks like straight composted and still decomposing leaves...Buy perlite...try and lift the plant+roots+soil that its attached to out of those containers and mix a shitton of it up in the soil...its not draining for shit...your root system is suffocating...

Unless I'm completely off base thats what it looks like to me....have you ever PH'ed your soil? If its random shit dug out of the ground that might be way off...buy a tester they are pretty cheap :)
bang on the button.

or pick all the leaves off and hope for the best!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
the yellowing from the bottom usually means low on N, the decay on the tips of the leaves mean over ferted (with stuff other than N), and yea the soil looks good, nice rich brown color, but theres no perlite so everytime you water your compressing and compacting the soil more and more

get perlite, hard to add with a plant already there, but transplant it, beat up the root ball a lil bit, squeeze it so the soil falls off dont cut, rip, tear or shake...
get a variety of nutrients, for veggie, i use 1/4strength bloom (every 2-3weeks or so), and every 4 days i use:
3/4 strength growth nutes (heavy N, low PK), and i use a micro nutes bottle 1/2 strength (other elements: iron, sulfur, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese...)

then when ya switch to bloom, its the opposite, 1/4th strength growth every other week, and heavy on bloom nutes + micro nutes

**keep in mind what i said before tho, your soil is dark, rich, so it has stuff in it already, like time-release nutrients, go LOW and WEAK on ferts for a while**
Replanted them and gave them about 50ml of (water and N) mix . Hopefully they survive after i replanted them in soil with lots of perlite . Please feel free to leave recommendations on what i should do to make it better .
