Going to start a debate


Active Member
haha hey guys this will pry start a debate cause i know theres good reasons for both sides. However i was wondering if i should go soil? or soiless. Its going to be my first time growing i'm really new so the easier alternative of course would be better. I also am going to have 5 gallon pots (by the end of course) for the ladies. I'm also kinda worried cause i've been looking around and i can't find any of the soil everyone reccomends (well i can online, but i don't wanna ship soil over the country). So i was wondering if its a bit more rare and they pry won't have it here? if thats the case what should i consider. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
soil can be pretty easy and you can use soil from your local garden supply store you don't really need any of this fancey crap soil that everyone talks about get top soil and perlite mix it up and plant some seeds water it and forget about it for a week


Active Member
If it's your first time, I suggest using soil. You can try hydro later, get the basics down first.

As for the soil everyone talks about, I agree you don't have to have that. You can use plain old miracle gro potting soil and it works fine, that's what I'm using and have used in the past outdoors. Just make sure it's high quality, and yes mix it with perlite (which you can usually buy right next to the soil).

Just remember, KISS (keep it simple stupid) until you know what you're doing, that's the easiest way not to screw up.


Well-Known Member
Soil, 1 part Fox Farm Ocean Forest, 1 part Light warrior, 1 part Vermiculite. Its the bomb. No nutes for first 2-4 weeks of growth. Really.

Its from the earth man. The weed it speaks to me.


Active Member
haha thanks for the tips guys that helps. I was making it a bigger deal then it seems. I'll just get some regular stuff toss in some perlite. At actually how many weeks should i start the nutes? about 4 weeks in from germination?