going to store, cfl or hps? nutes?


ok here are my choices, i either get 250w of cfl or a 250w hps for a 1 ft by 1 ft space , im going to the store now, also what kind of nutes should i get for my plant, its 3 weeks old and its about 14 inches tall, growing in miracle grow


Well-Known Member
HPS !!!!!!

and if your plant is 14 inches tall how does it fit in there... i think u meant, u have 1 square foot....... to put the lights in.... so go with hps... if thats not the case... your room is to small


Well-Known Member
if it was 14 inches tall about a month ago. was the 1 by 1 space your talking about the room you have for the light? or how much more room you have to grow in??? is this your first grow?