Going to the club


Active Member
Gonna go soon and pick up 4 or so clones. Wondering what strain to go with.
I'd like smell and flavor most. Then oil content.
Then high yield.
And I need good stress and pest resistance.
I'd like some stuff that's stable indoors and out.
I'd like something also well known and popular.

I'm just a little indecisive when supposedly ill have 2000+ cuts to chose from, and I need to pick 4.

My plan is to veg these clones till outdoor season starts, then they'll get cloned and thrown outside while new clones veg inside. Then I'll have an outdoor and indoor crop this year. I'll have clones out the ass too, so I'd like something I can propogate and sell quickly too.

What are your guys' favorite four or so strains that kinda fit that description? It'd be a big help, thanks.
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