Going with 14 hour's instead of 18?


Active Member
For quite some time now I've been running a 400 watt mh light for 18 hours every day for my mother plants. I was woundering could I drop it to 14 hours without it stressing out my buitiful moms? Oh and alot of them are fresh out of being seedlings. Can this be done and if not why?

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
she can take it but she may flower if you hit that quick (just a guess on the flowering) I do know you can go from say 18 to 17 with no evident change in vegging. I have done it, I was first going 24 then to 18 now I go 16-17 ish the change from 24 to 18 was for about a week or two---she was burning Nitrogen and Ph was climbing all the time. I then put her on 17 a week or so later. I later flowered them. So over the course of 3 weeks. Be careful some strains will auto flower when you hit 14 hours, I briefly read about.
If your plants are mature enough this may possibly induce flowering depends on the strain alot of times but I usually flower my plants at around 13 to 14 hours. Who knows really... If your still in the veg. stage of growth I suggest no less than 15 hours of light. For quickest and strongest growth the more light the better from my experience. Hope this helps.