Gonna grab some clones today, but-

Ok. Watched a bunch of cloning tutorials on youtube. Need to grab the clones today. All of the videos showed folks using rockwool cubes. I have no rockwool cubes, and I don't have access to any. What is the next best thing? I've got a jiffy seed starter thing, but the plugs aren't very deep. I've got those red plastic cups and some decent starting medium. There's a Walmart close... what do I do?


Well-Known Member
I always use jiffy peat plugs to clone into, once they get wet they are plenty big. I typically get 90% + success, unless I do something like forget to spray the dome.

The Growery

Active Member
i swear by root riot in a 50 site tray with dome and seedling mat. guaranteed roots within 7 days, often sooner. so easy to use as well. check them out! I tried cloning in rockwool once, was not at all pleased with their performance compared to root riots ease of use.

they are cheap too. you can get a 50 site with the rootriot cubes in them and a dome for under $30 in most grow stores. the mat costs another $25 and I highly recommend them, speeds propagation 100%

if you go with root riot, just make sure to poke the pre-molded hole down further since it's only 1/4" deep


Well-Known Member
Peat plugs, Root Shooters, rockwool cubes, a taped-up glass of water - I have used all to clone. IMO AN Root Shooters are the best for soil growers.


Well-Known Member
I need to get a heat mat, I've been doing this for years without one, but I bet it would get me there just a bit faster. Every so often I have a batch that seems to take closer to 10-12 days instead of the usual 7-8.


Well-Known Member
I always use jiffy peat plugs to clone into, once they get wet they are plenty big. I typically get 90% + success, unless I do something like forget to spray the dome.
Hmm, I'm looking at 5 right now in pucks, and one I cut yesterday is wilting. That happened last week, then the stem perked back up.


Well-Known Member
Every so often I have one get wilty the next day. I usually prop it up with something(scrap stem), and it is back to perky in 24 hrs.
Awesome! Thanks everyone- there's all kindsa that stuff at walmart- need to pick up a taller dome anyway. I was looking at those little jiffy puck things, but it didn't seem like they'd be deep enough. Good stuff to know. Wish me luck, ya'll!
Oh- I use a heating pad meant for people set on low when I germ, and it seems to work really well (germ'd 14 of 14 last time)- I'm assuming this will be ok for the clones as well?

So here's me summing up just to make sure I understand: pick a branch about 3-5" long, cut with a clean razor at a 45 degree, straight into water or the rooting hormone, and then into the medium, which has been saturated with distilled water beforehand. Dome on, and I'm planning on putting them under the bluish spectrum t8 flourescents, and the whole works on top of the heating pad. Keep the humidity up and the temp stable around 75-80.

Anything look glaringly wrong? Missing anything vitally important?

Oh! I'll be reverting these back to veg from flower. Anything additional I should know about that?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've got it down man, its a fairly simple process. Keep everything moist after wards.

Wally world is usually where I get all my clone starters and such. I just bought 3 boxes of the peat plugs for $2.99 for I think 30 of them.
1-25 001.jpg

So there they are, in my funky rigged up thing because the dome was too short. Ok. Temps are hanging at 78, have no idea what humidity is inside the dome, but there's water vapor beaded up all over the place. There doesn't seem to be any wilting or any other flavor of weirdness on the leaves.

Now what? How long do I leave the dome on? About how long should I expect this to take before I know if it 'worked'?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Remove dome twice a day for a min to replace air under dome. Always make sure there is moisture sprayed onto the dome. A good misting is all that is required.

After 5-6 days, take the dome off for longer periods of time. 20-30 min. Watch for any sign of wilting. If roots have grown, they will keep the plant from wilting as much.

If there is no wilting, try for longer periods of time 1-2 hours. If plant is still standing, it is nearly ready to be dome free.


Well-Known Member
What he said is right on. It will likely take a good 6-8 days, sometimes you will get a few with roots faster but I'd say that is average.