Gonna Grow. The Natural Way.


Well-Known Member
Hey there RIU. Buddy of mine just gave me some White Widow seeds, and I'm going to plant these suckers here in a couple of days when they germinate.

The natural way.

In Seattle, people around here are big on just letting their plants (all plants) just grow out of some dirt.

Plus, I'm lazy. Plus, it'll be a neat experiment. We can compare high maintenance outdoor WW (if there's anyone else growing any) vs. Seattle 'let mother nature take her course' WW. If it's early enough in the grow and I think I'll get too crappy a yield to bother with it, I'll just keep males alive and try and get some seeds out of it. That way I can do it again next year, except better. :mrgreen:

Should be neat. Though I'll tell you right now, if mother nature screws me, I am totally going to start dumping my garbage in the ocean.

"Oooh, so Mother Nature needs a favor?! Well maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys! Nature started the fight for survival, and now she wants to quit because she's losing." - Mr. Burns

Note: I know no one here is going to think this is a good idea, and I might get some, er, coarser criticism, but hey. Can't please all the people all the time.


Well-Known Member
jah sun and moon are best...outdoor is best when done with care and love...also patience iis very important....get some good dirt tho ii would suggest foxfarm,some bat guano and worm castings will also be needed...also plant in buckets then transplant to the ground or bigger bucket and put them in the ground,thiis is so you can seperate males and females when time comes...be kind to ure kind as ii would say...easy skankin'


Well-Known Member
jah sun and moon are best...outdoor is best when done with care and love...also patience iis very important....get some good dirt tho ii would suggest foxfarm,some bat guano and worm castings will also be needed...also plant in buckets then transplant to the ground or bigger bucket and put them in the ground,thiis is so you can seperate males and females when time comes...be kind to ure kind as ii would say...easy skankin'
I grow outside. This is my second grow. Got a greenhouse to germanate, then I put the babies outside right away, still in their buckets so that they start out right away in strong winds and direct desert hot sun. They love the invironment as long as they are put out right away. My first generation, I kept them sheilded them from wind and direct sunlight until they were two feet tall. Even tho I hardened them off slowly, they freaked from the sun and wind after I put them in them the ground. I just trimmed off the burnt leaves and they are happy and robust. The trimming doesn't matter outside because of the long growing season. The leaves under get more sunlight therefore they get larger etc. The next shift of babies I germinated outside in direct wind and sun, I kept them moist and they popped like popcorn. Life is good.

I am grateful for our Mother Earth for her gifts. She blessed me with three 7 footers last year and this year I have 30 so far.
:peace: and :weed:

Guerilla Grower

Active Member
7 footers sweet!!
but 30 of them thats got take up a shitload of space
they must be able to get huge with lots of sun and long season
wish i had climate like that


Well-Known Member
The California high desert is a great climate. Its hot and windy and lots of direct sun and clear skys. usually we are having really wierd weather this year and my plants have gone into flowering early, I think. That's ok too. Longer to mature. earlier to harvest. time for a second crop. I have 3/4 acre of rich sandy soil with the best drainage ever and hardly any chance of mold or infestation. they get extra strong from the wind and the sun enfuses them with life force. Yes, I am blessed

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
The California high desert is a great climate. Its hot and windy and lots of direct sun and clear skys. usually we are having really wierd weather this year and my plants have gone into flowering early, I think. That's ok too. Longer to mature. earlier to harvest. time for a second crop. I have 3/4 acre of rich sandy soil with the best drainage ever and hardly any chance of mold or infestation. they get extra strong from the wind and the sun enfuses them with life force. Yes, I am blessed
sounds epic :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Haha, yes, I imagine my little experiment will have it's problems, but look around.

Plants ave been doing pretty well without without our help for many millions and millions of years. I think that five WW plants can handle one summer without my help.

And if they can't, ah well. There's always next season.

Oh, and nutes and store bought dirt isn't necessary. The dirt around here (IE, a temperate rain forest) is already mulchy compost goodness. Plants love love love it.

Speaking of which, you guys should SEE the blackberry vines around here. Acres and acres. Oh man, and the end of this summer, I'm going to be in pie and jam heaven.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Haha, yes, I imagine my little experiment will have it's problems, but look around.

Plants ave been doing pretty well without without our help for many millions and millions of years. I think that five WW plants can handle one summer without my help.

And if they can't, ah well. There's always next season.

Oh, and nutes and store bought dirt isn't necessary. The dirt around here (IE, a temperate rain forest) is already mulchy compost goodness. Plants love love love it.

Speaking of which, you guys should SEE the blackberry vines around here. Acres and acres. Oh man, and the end of this summer, I'm going to be in pie and jam heaven.:mrgreen:
Sounds like Eden.


Well-Known Member
Natural... nuts? Acorns are pretty good. :mrgreen:

But if you mean nutes, all plant nurseries sell compost and mulch and stuff for raised bed gardening. Fish meal and rabbit poo are a plant's favorite added snack.

If you can find a place that has rabbits (a pet store, or a bunny farm or something), I'm sure they wouldn't mind you hauling away some of their excess rabbit droppings. :p

Rabbits may seem like a plant's worst enemy, but goddamn if they don't love their poo.


Well-Known Member
Natural... nuts? Acorns are pretty good. :mrgreen:

But if you mean nutes, all plant nurseries sell compost and mulch and stuff for raised bed gardening. Fish meal and rabbit poo are a plant's favorite added snack.

If you can find a place that has rabbits (a pet store, or a bunny farm or something), I'm sure they wouldn't mind you hauling away some of their excess rabbit droppings. :p

Rabbits may seem like a plant's worst enemy, but goddamn if they don't love their poo.
aint that the truth..

i breed meat rabbits and my gardens are full of rabbit poop.and the good thing about rabbit poop no weeds.
they digest even the hardiest of seeds.

i love my rabbits poop and so does my garden


Well-Known Member
lmfao ok so ive gotta find rabbit poop :|

anything else? like one of those jugs that you pour on it or somth?

and how often should i do this, im probably only gonnna visit once a week


Well-Known Member
lmfao ok so ive gotta find rabbit poop :|

anything else? like one of those jugs that you pour on it or somth?

and how often should i do this, im probably only gonnna visit once a week

Well, I'm no expert for cannabis growing, but I've never been a huge fan of liquid ferts. They tend to be a lot more chemically and they'll stain your clothes like nothing else.

If you're going to use artificial, I'd suggest some dry fert that you have to mix with water. I've always liked the stuff more for everything else I've ever grown.

And fertilizers don't have to be used all the time. When I grow veggies and whatnot, I would use miracle grow or fox farm or something when the plant is maybe 3 weeks old (depends on how well it's growing), and then after that, all the nutes came from the ground and rabbits.

Don't go crazy with the nutes, man. They only need 'em if the ground you're growing in *sucks*. Cannabis is a weed. Despite how fragile RIU may make them seem, they can take care of themselves. :p


Active Member
For whats its worth dude i personally think you should invest at least a little of your time to them ...at least to ward of pest and look for disease and what not, and yeah ...there;s always nxt season but ...it would help out to have the experience.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'll make visits out every week or 10 days or so. Gotta check for bugs, see if they've been eaten or something.

I'm just going to limit my interference as much as I possibly can.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'll make visits out every week or 10 days or so. Gotta check for bugs, see if they've been eaten or something.

I'm just going to limit my interference as much as I possibly can.
take some pics for us. have you started a grow journal yet?


Well-Known Member
Not yet. I've got my seeds all wet and germinaty. Waitin' fer some sproutin'. I'll start a journal when I get them in the ground.