Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics


Well-Known Member
what up dudes!? got a quarter of some no name dank's really funky, loaded with crystals, and a sweet piney also makes a load of kief in my kief box...enjoy..



Well-Known Member
I'm thinkin of growin Top 44. Heard it's mad easy to grow and fast flowering.
That top 44 is a result of one of my earlier grows. I stressed the hell out of my 3 top44 girls in early flowering, and they took a lot longer to finish because of it. I'm going to give them another go here pretty soon. The end product didnt turn out bad.


Well-Known Member



here is a couple pics of blue moonshine crossed with Northern Lights ....
Hope u enjoy the pix as much as i enjoy the cccmoke:)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
here is a couple pics of blue moonshine crossed with Northern Lights ....
Hope u enjoy the pix as much as i enjoy the cccmoke:)
yo JAh thats some nice lookin shmoke dude! hasnt taken much of the colour from the moonshine, what about the taste tho? hints of blueberry? or thick smokey?:joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i was a little skeptical about growing it out... The cross was made by a friend, By accident a long time ago when he still live in L.A... He ended up, being locked up and thrown out of the country... the great thing is he kept 10 seeds of this, which he held on while being locked up.. and finally when he got back "here" he decided to sprout the beans along with 15 other varieties.....
what made me not wanna grow them out, was the fact that in veg they didnt look good at all.. some leafs were mutated and the meristem was purrrrple... no matter what i did it didnt get any better.... but when i decided to flower them seen all the time and effort i put in them in veg.... They started to pick up... and turn more green to a dark green and all the deficiencies were slowly but surely getting better.... and once the buds started filling out... it was something else! it was my first time getting just about the same amount of grams as watts.... and if you look at the pics carefully some of the buds are as thick as my wrist... so i kept a mother and ill be growing this for a while..... cause i never came across a bud that taste anything like this.... its just tooo nice!!
well well, that was my little story!
Thanx for all the positive feedback!!!
give thanx and praises!
Keep it green, in love, and under JAH LIGHT.....


Well-Known Member
K guys Ive been slacking big time, Ive had my hands full with so much shit. I HATE havin to do shit, dont you? lol. I just looked over all the pics ive missed and theyre fuckin amazing so its time for me to do a long overdue contribution, so here the pictures are. I have a bunch

Eastern U.S. WOOT WOOT, gotta love this corponation, try and find a better country as my grandma used to say


pretty cool pic eh?



Well-Known Member
...And now for a change of pace, dont be hatin cuz its random.

OUCH, guess what made that smash................Guessed....? A kids head, hes alright though, we didnt kill him, not yet anyways ;)

My beautiful german shepard, I love these dogs, so loyal and smart, Also I taught her to sniff out weed so if kids are comin over they better not be holdin out on me or else shell find out lol

Barney the dinosaurs skeleton

Crazy asian man who tortured people, hes definately sane

Floridas beautiful from the air

New Jersey-quite the colony of humans

Some chinese relic in china, went for the first time last week, quite amazing how different it is

Also saw ground zero the first time last week, its quite sad, once you see it all in person you get an appreciation for the loss of life and the horror, it makes me sad just thinking about it

amazing they found these utensils from the rubble huh?
I can safely say after last week Ive filled my traveling hump to last me a lifetime


Well-Known Member
Can anyone else get an Oz of the dank ive been showcasing here in New England for the price of 320? didnt think so unless you grew it lol. Not everybody on the east coast gets ripped off, thats a common misconception


Well-Known Member
My B i meant anyone who also lives in New England. Kushking, who much does an Oz go for in youre neck of the woods?? Im curious to know

Cato Zen

Active Member
Sweet Dude. Thats what I wanna grow when I get older! I just entered my flowering phase and I'm all hung up on just about everything. How tight is light tight? My clones now own the veg room and the electric bill is a gonna lill me. Can I take my cloes off 24-0 and switch to 18-6? The flowering room is at 12-12. I got my timers mixed up aand turned my flower ladies on for about twenty minutes. Am I going to get f****d after all the effort? Will this cause my ladies to morph into something else?
Thanx dudes.


Well-Known Member
OH SNAP! I forgot to post what is conceivably my FAVORITE picture of ALL time...

Feast your eyes upon the "top of the week"