Good Bong Fix!...


Active Member
Alright, I broke a bong awhile back that left the bowl in tact but there was a good size crack along the bottom and it would not hold water very long...

I was at the hardware store and came across a product 3M makes called rubberized undercoating... I just tapped at the normal water fill line and put a few coats on...
Remove the tape and its like a rubberized truck bed... Comes in handy for those of us with lots of hard surfaces; granite countertops, glass side tables, etc...

I think this will prolly be going on any glass bongs I buy in the future...


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
How's does it hold up to leaching chemicals into your smoke? And how about heat? That's to sketchy for me....I'd just buy another cheap bong instead of taking the risk of smoking some powerful chemicals....good luck. Hope it works out. Just be careful friend.


Active Member
How's does it hold up to leaching chemicals into your smoke? And how about heat? That's to sketchy for me....I'd just buy another cheap bong instead of taking the risk of smoking some powerful chemicals....good luck. Hope it works out. Just be careful friend.
I think most of the harmful chemicals are released when the bottle is sprayed, and while curing...But now it is just like hard rubber... If your some anti chemical hippie bullshit try melting your favorite color candle down in a double broiler and dipping it in that about ten times...

It does not hold up to heat and in fact I could scrap it all off and start over if i wanted...


Well-Known Member
Thats a sick idea. To all the naysayers, why would you be worried about it leaching into the water. he is not boiling the water and smoking rubber he just applied ti to the bottom of the outside of the glass. I like your idea and may do that to mine. +rep


Well-Known Member
my address is in my avatar, come on by toughguy. bUt we all know you won't, cause your just an internet toughguy with a photoshop account.

HAHAAH only a kid with mommy issues would call someone out on the internet to fight daddy can whip your daddy bring ROFLMAO.........your funny I like you..............and if you come to my house Ill turn you on to some greaat smoke and a party on the town.................


Active Member
How's does it hold up to leaching chemicals into your smoke? And how about heat? That's to sketchy for me....I'd just buy another cheap bong instead of taking the risk of smoking some powerful chemicals....good luck. Hope it works out. Just be careful friend.
i let super glue set for 24 hrs. on my old water bottle and i didn't notice any taste or after affect, but if your like using it to put a bowl back together then yeah thats pretty harmful to smoke out of(done it before feel so stupid for doing it) but as long as its out of the way of fire it should be good.

my homie glued like the front part of his pipe excluding the bowl back together we used just 2 tiny drops of super glue on the upper edges of where it was broken at let it fully dry and then used resin to seal it up and worked damn good


Well-Known Member
McGyver showed the world how to imprevise........................and I dont think the fumes from a few drops will affect anyone harshly other than maybe a smell or bad taste............look the air polution we breath in daily or crap food we buy trusting growers who are out to make as much money out of as little work they can so we get chems in all our food unles you grow a couple of drops of super glue or a rubber patch isnt going to kill inhale more exhaust fumes from cars than could ever ever get out of a tny bit of a patch work on a pipe or bong and im fucking high so you milage may vary ROAR