good indoor strain for topping?


Well-Known Member
people top their plants all the time, there has to be some plants that respond better than others. I have chronic seeds but i heard they dont respond well so i am on the market for something else.


Well-Known Member
The final product will be smaller but there would be more bud sites making for more buds?... I know the novelty of a giant bud is great but sometimes more smaller buds are just as good...

Cheers kwaka

P.s. This would be the norm for all plants, Personally I top once then LST the other growing tips out where they get most light. Taking a growing part of a plant and removing will stress it and put that ever important harvest date back ATLEAST a week. I am growing in a closet so I dont have the space for 1 massive cola but 2 decent 1/4ounce buds are good for my situation, and a handfull of popcorn buds per plant


Well-Known Member
Sativa domanint strains take to topping better, indicas tend to be fairly short and dense anyway and dont really need the toppings.

gwerns nugs

Well-Known Member
Topping is for people that want to play with there plants. Its bull shit.

if u have time to watch ur plant flower for 12 weeks id go with Jack someone said earlier more sativa dominant strains respond better to topping at least in my experience....feel free to check out my grow...

I personally dont top until later.....i tie down the very top of the plant and force the mid plant to really shoot and creating a bow shaped bush. THEN I TOP THE NODES SHOOTING to create TWO to FOUR nodes at each site....if ur interested post on my thread and ill post detailed pics...i know its outdoor but i apply same principles to indoor.....



Well-Known Member
Medusa is a pretty good one. Untopped it will grow a very nice main cola, but when you top it. It will start to branch out like a tree. It is also great for lst. However everyone is right. all MJ plants take well to topping. You should really only do it if your grow space is limited.


Active Member
i am growin big bang and cheese and i have toppd the two of them and hav had no problems iv cropd loads of dif strains and i would say al the plants iv topd hav workd just tha way i wantd them too ! I advise toppin for a bigger yeild