good indoor yield with no smell?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

during flowering.. smell is gonna be potent.. can you get a carbon filter... they work wonders...



Well-Known Member
Unless you buy somethin to kill the smell then you wont be growing inside without it. But i hear that northern lights is not as (smelly) as most.

but let me ask you this, are you growing in someone elses house? Someone that would be highly pissed to find out you are growing. Maybe someone who can kick you out for doing it or worse call the police???


New Member
NOPE!!! All weed smells. Its suppose to. Some just smells more than others.

I agree with GK in that you need to set up a filter system with carbon ro something.
Has anyone ever grown a strain that can't be smelled around an entire home?


Well-Known Member
i gotta say folks, my Lr2s dont smell a bit, well not unless ya rub the leaves/stems..
and theyre getting pretty big too...altho i do have another 20 days to go til they should be done...
Havent heard much about Lr2s stinkin up real bad...unlike my keralas which are REALLY skunky:D
But i'm not really au fait with these LRs yet, so i cant say for sure they should or shouldnt stink yet.
here's a pic, not soo sucky as people make out..18" tall

But i have to agree with GK, always use a carbon filter, esp if its not your house....
Luckily i'm in my own home and my mrs doesnt mind the fact our 2 spare rooms are grow rooms :)

LiL VT369

Active Member
yo are the plants you growing doing good sofar because i was looking at the site and they have some nice strains for made cheap but i look at a review for one of the strains and the person said that he order 10 seeds and none of them cracked and grew and i cant find any were it says it ships to usa