Good Lucy


Well-Known Member
Sup peeps, just wondering what people consider good Lucy? Some of the people where I am from consider good Lucy stuff that doesn't really give the user crazy visuals but a body high (what I like to call watered down L). In my belief and experience(s) I think good Lucy should make one totally lose themselve. i.e extreme close eyed visuals, not really able to communicate with people that aren't tripping face, strange feelings throughout the body, and real crazy open eyed visuals. This being just off 1 or 2 hits. I just hate when someone says you only need to take one hit and I end up taking 2 or 3 and still not trippin like I have off one single hit of real deal L. Which has only happened like 3 times lol. Just wanted to see what yall thought! Peace and smoke 1:lol:


Well-Known Member
That is true, but the people I get it from always try it first. I think that I consider great lucy something that they probably have never seen lol. I have only seen super potenet hits a few times. I took 5 hits of supposed fire one time and was more than let down lol, while my friends (that don't do it that much) were having the time of their lives lol. I guess I just like as many micrograms of L you can possibly fit on a small piece of paper. Just like every other person on this site lol!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
it's hard to explain realllly clean L

I have a lot more to dabble in

It's like, everything is tripping nuts... IF you look into it...

if you look between the ripples, you see the trip... But other than that everything seems normal... Other than pulsing colors and waving/melting trees and dissolving clouds... But your not really sure if thats visuals, or the natural order of the wind effecting your environment :?

Then the less clean, the more the trip is in your face.... but on the SUPER clean stuff, if you look at walls - you HAPPEN TO notice the grains take a shape of a giant rotating intricate geometric pattern - like oh you notice this too?...... with the less clean stuff you see patterns everywhere ALL up in your face....... again clean stuff requires looking THROUGH the fabric of space, where the less clean PUSHES the through the fabric of space

My analysis... Purity that I would assume is silver is still interesting because it's more like a spirit journey, ONE big ass blur, forgetting where you came from or where your going with things changing shape in front of your eyes

The clean shit is like GOING to wonderland... fanTASTIC.. love it. I could eat it every other weekend for the rest of my life...


Well-Known Member
the only time i had some lucy that killed me with only 1 hit, was when i went to cali, and aquired a blotter the dude called "fractal face". it was my 2nd time, and i was told i need only 1. soooo i took just one,[it was a 1/4 inch suqare paper with this salvador dali painting on it. this is now the name of my band hahahahahaha i had the most inent freactal visuals, and euphoria waves that lasted for at least 13 hours..... so i think there are good 1 hitters of pure out there, it just veeeery hard to come by in my living area. this is the pic it had on it, im thinking of doing a reinterpretation of it for album art.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member

Am I the only person that visualizes Cartman as Chunk?

There is no relation.

Chunk is an abnormality in the world of family cinema.

Slightly off topic:

Have you guys ever seen mentally handicapped people while on LSD? It's so funny, I can't stop laughing. I have to turn around and look away so that I don't offend them. But I'm not laughing AT them, I'm laughing with them! As I feel like we are the same. At least in the same mind state. .........MIND you I have the utmost respect for the mentally handicapped. You gotta deal with what your given and I respect people tremendously for living their lives with a smile.. regardless of life'ss biggest obstacles getting in your way.

But recently, I was riding my bike around the park with a friend, melting face on a few NP's. We were chilling at a bench by the water when we hear this hilarious bellowing laugh coming through the tunnel and this guy with a backpack and a red striped baseball hat comes RUNNING out of the tunnel full speed. Laughing his ass off with a huge smile on his face, having the time of his life just running around the park.

I couldn't help but think I would probably have the same exact reaction if I were running through the tunnel at that moment :lol:

He saw us and looked embarrassed, but we quickly shot him back a big genuine smiles to reassure him everything is as it should be :wink:

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I love Cheesy Poofs !!




Well-Known Member
When you flick a cigarette, the tracer should last all the way until the cig hits the ground... and stay for a few more seconds, then melt into the ground... that's good lucy.

When you are scared for your life.... that's good lucy.

when sounds echo at least 10 times.... that's good lucy.

when you think you are talking to God directly (could be)... that's good lucy.

when you are in your own bedroom, but have no idea where you're at.... that's good lucy.

when you go from laughing to screaming to crying within 60 seconds.... that's good lucy.

when it takes 2 hours to pack a bowl... that's good lucy.

when you have no hangover and feel incredible the next day.... that's good lucy.

shit I could go on forever.


Well-Known Member
When you flick a cigarette, the tracer should last all the way until the cig hits the ground... and stay for a few more seconds, then melt into the ground... that's good lucy.

When you are scared for your life.... that's good lucy.

when sounds echo at least 10 times.... that's good lucy.

when you think you are talking to God directly (could be)... that's good lucy.

when you are in your own bedroom, but have no idea where you're at.... that's good lucy.

when you go from laughing to screaming to crying within 60 seconds.... that's good lucy.

when it takes 2 hours to pack a bowl... that's good lucy.

when you have no hangover and feel incredible the next day.... that's good lucy.

shit I could go on forever.
this is FREAKN amazing ~!!!
amen to this post!

this is so good I am going to +rep my good sir. :D


Well-Known Member
When you flick a cigarette, the tracer should last all the way until the cig hits the ground... and stay for a few more seconds, then melt into the ground... that's good lucy.

When you are scared for your life.... that's good lucy.

when sounds echo at least 10 times.... that's good lucy.

when you think you are talking to God directly (could be)... that's good lucy.

when you are in your own bedroom, but have no idea where you're at.... that's good lucy.

when you go from laughing to screaming to crying within 60 seconds.... that's good lucy.

when it takes 2 hours to pack a bowl... that's good lucy.

when you have no hangover and feel incredible the next day.... that's good lucy.

shit I could go on forever.
Dude holy fuck everything you just said was spot on to the point. That was probably the coolest way I have ever heard fire lucy being described as. Prob gonna put it as my facebook quote status next time I trip balls lol.


Well-Known Member
Look deeply into a baby's eyes, a child so young they cannot walk, a child so young they cannot roll on their back unassisted. Look in there and if you are perceptive you will see that they are looking at you through the gauze and color of the perfect LSD experience. We are all born through this state of ultimate awareness and it takes practice, much practice to calm and straighten and simplify our awareness in order to cope with a dangerous world. That which erases our worn and practiced attention even for a few hours is "Good Lucy".

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
You people try to explain good lucy and be all awesome are failing! :) Good Lucy can only be described, as good Lucy. Don't compare and try to describe. She is exceedingly unique.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Good L lets you do this


Follow that to the youtube page, turn to 720p and full screen........ for full effect