Good Medium To Large Sized Dog?


Well-Known Member
I had a rottie once, nicest dog ever and not a mean bone in her body. We have a welsch corgi now and he acts just about the same as my rottie did, it's never really the dog, it's the owner.

Personally I can't wait to have the space to have a rottie again, my wife even wants one before she gets pregnant so she feels protected when I'm out


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input everybody. I was leaning towards some kind of lab mix because that's the kind of dog I have the most experience with. In my area there seems to be an abundance of lab/shepard mixes after looking at my local craigslist. I do like Rotties having known 2 in my life but they are alittle on the big side. A quick cool story about rotties... one of my customers has one that is not very nice to anybody that approaches their driveway, somehow I've fallen in its good graces and it loves me... the grass cutters actually changed their schedule to coordinate when I'll be there so I can contain the dog while they cut the grass. Kind of cool being "in" with the dog if you know what I mean. The customer thinks it's cool as well which is always a bonus.


Well-Known Member
Our corgi does herd a lot, it's instinct but he mostly does it when you run

I like labs but they have too much energy and will need as much attention as your kid. Get a dog that has less energy and won't need as much attention, IMO


Well-Known Member
canne corso isn't a good choice for little kids b/c they are completely shy around strangers and kids have friends, they're friends have parents...

no bueno my friend.


Well-Known Member
Well before you run out and get a Lab check the dog bite statistics for large cities. Then make sure you get one with no hip history in the line. I hunt with labs all the time great dogs and I see many happy family's with them. They just bite too much for me.

I raised Dobermans for 25 years and trained many champs along with my 2 boys, we had the dogs first. Then my son moved out and than back and came home with a pit bull, we have had Pitts for 8 years now 3 of them in the same house and my son 's baby grew up living with us for 18 months. I can't tell you how much I love these dogs. I will always have at lest 2 of them till I die.

No matter what you get make them a true member of your family and you will never have a problem.

We have 1 pit bull 45 lb, one Am Staff 70 lb and on Allaunt 100 lb. ( )He is just a big pitty with a fancy name. He pulls 150 logs out of the woods for me. Here is a pix of my wifes dog at 10 weeks I think she is 70 lb now.


Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
staffordshire bull dog with kids hands down! (its proven) obedient and tuff as nails

second choice....a "well bred" american pitbull


Well-Known Member
Blue Healers are great. Also a basset hound is a fun dog to have around. Try to rescue a dog instead of paying some puppy walmart 1000's for a dog.


Well-Known Member
Check with your home insurance before even thinking about a rottie or pit bull, some insurance companies discriminate against certain breeds and won't insure you


Well-Known Member
I'll definitely rescue a dog and gladly pay the $100 rehoming fee. Anything else is not in the cards for me. My brother has 2 ridgebacks. They are way too big. Cool looking dogs but way too big.


Well-Known Member
german sheppard. loyal, great with kids, smart, learn until the day they die.very protective of things in and arround the house. strangers should stay strangers unless accompanied by someone who lives there. home owners insurance friendly and the best choice for a good med large dog. 85-100lbs female, 100-115lbs male. great dogs.


Well-Known Member
german sheppard. loyal, great with kids, smart, learn until the day they die.very protective of things in and arround the house. strangers should stay strangers unless accompanied by someone who lives there. home owners insurance friendly and the best choice for a good med large dog. 85-100lbs female, 100-115lbs male. great dogs.
german shepherds: most common dog bite in the US = horrible for home owners insurance. neighbors tend to dislike GS if you don't have more than a 6 foot fence.

not a first dog pet. only for responsible and experienced dog owners.

blue heelers have a great personality and they don't know what a stranger is, but they are fucking crazy. i mean they will chew the concrete off a wall, chew the tires off your car, they'll chew a door off it's hinges.... it's an outside dog, PERIOD.

the whole 'it can be an inside dog, it just needs a long walk and play time'... no... i have yet to see a blue heeler who doesn't completely destroy the inside of a house.