good morning from texas


Well-Known Member
whats up ladies and gents? man gotta say, today has to be the coldest day this year. yesterdays hi was in the 70's f. right now it has a wind index of 28 degrees f. its 36 outside now. lol i woke up, turned the alarm off, grabed a j i rolled last night. walked outside in a hoodie and pajama bottoms. lit it up, took like 3 hits and said fuck it, and ran inside. lmao that was a run on sentence. but man it was snowing and still is like an hour north of me. and im in houston. so lol


i imagine thats the weather coming my way.... weather forecast calls for "ice pellets" tomorrow:evil:... we arent supposed to have that shit down here


Well-Known Member
I know, its normally over or close to 100 in the summer. it was like 31 last night, we got freezing rain, sleet, and real light snow. its only snowed twice in my 24 years of living here.


Well-Known Member
We must be pretty close because it is FREEZING where I am. We tend to get snow about once a season and everyone here goes apeshit. If more than half an inch sticks people are hording shit at the grocery stores like a blizzard is coming.


Well-Known Member
Yea, im kinda surprised how many ppl are from tx on here. too be honest, im a texans fan. gotta stay true. but the giants are gonna destroy the cowboys. the giants are one of the best teams in the nfl. maybe if it was detroit and dallas. then maybe cowboys lol.