Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I got a sign. I borrowed it from Jeff Foxworthy lol
One of my favorite Jeff Foxworthy bits was him driving down a dirt road with the back of the pickup filled with kids. They get to the hardtop, he stops the truck and all the kids pile out. One of them hits the road, then says, "he wasn't lying. It's just as hard as a turtle's back."

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
No second floor here. They get crazy hot in the summer anyway, just ask @Afgan King lol
I have a traditional 2 story house. Wish I had gone with one story and basement. I want a smaller house, maybe even partially underground. But my wife says she is done moving. If she should die while I'm still relatively young, I will get off the road for sure. I hate seeing cars go by the house. I may be a touch antisocial, you think?


Well-Known Member
We have a traditional (nowadays) VN house, long and skinny, and tall (ground, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, rooftop). I could easily live in the middle of fucking nowhere with no people as well

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
We have a traditional (nowadays) VN house, long and skinny, and tall (ground, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, rooftop). I could easily live in the middle of fucking nowhere with no people as well
Lots of folks come through where I work. I stay in the office unless they need me. One of my saying is, "it's not that I don't like people, I just don't like them to be where I'm at." I spend more time talking to my online friends than I do my flesh and blood ones.


Well-Known Member
Lots of folks come through where I work. I stay in the office unless they need me. One of my saying is, "it's not that I don't like people, I just don't like them to be where I'm at." I spend more time talking to my online friends than I do my flesh and blood ones.
My father rubbed off on me with his ways about people; Im a little similar. I spend most of my time with my family and I reckon you do the same with your wife. I believe that people came from tribes (families) and they were meant to stay with their families. I know people came from tribes as my grandfather was more than 1/2 Lakota Sioux. Family was all he really associated with as he got older in life. I have a few friends, but don't associate with many people either


Well-Known Member
Right, so basement and ground level. Whats high temps in summer there, 90's?
Record is 104. Tied it three days in a row a few years back, otherwise low to mid 90s is the rule. The key is that it's high altitude at 1500m/5000' and very low humidity, making for air that doesn't feel anywhere near as extreme as the thermometer might have you believe.

Just don't forget to stay hydrated, for real lol


Well-Known Member
I have a traditional 2 story house. Wish I had gone with one story and basement. I want a smaller house, maybe even partially underground. But my wife says she is done moving. If she should die while I'm still relatively young, I will get off the road for sure. I hate seeing cars go by the house. I may be a touch antisocial, you think?
No, just smart!

I think you should go find a dream house and talk her into moving in with you.

And basements totally rock. You should definitely have one that's already poured, not dirt.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
No, just smart!

I think you should go find a dream house and talk her into moving in with you.

And basements totally rock. You should definitely have one that's already poured, not dirt.
Oh I have a spot picked out already to build. It's on Sister's land, but she has agreed to a land swap if we decide to build. Her 12 acres of pond land for 10 acres of slash pines with a little cash kicker. Both pieces of land have a good hillside for a partially underground house. But the pond would be a better view to wake up to every morning.

The contractor who built my current house is top notch. He had to move away for a couple of years to find work, but he's back now. When he was building my house, we talked about Styrofoam construction, but he had never done it before. While he was gone, he was working with his son, who has built several foam houses. Hopefully he learned how to do it. Down by the pond would be a great place for solar panels as well.

I have also been looking into compressed earth construction. It cost a little more than traditional, but you would save in the long run with lower heating and cooling costs.