Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

I think one of these could be handy. I can charge it off the solar & it's silent...

That looks like to me like a vc shooting an American soldier . Look at the uniform the guy with the pistil has and skinny vc arms and the dead guy has large American looking hands and I'm not sure the vc wore camo back then.
To me this shit gets awfully old . I mean it was a long time ago and there are newer younger kids fighting and dying in new wars and I don't see them slinging post war propaganda on a every day basis .
Sorry but I get tired of seeing it .
I'm a ass .
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This morning's weather in northern Colorado is sunny and warming up past freezing. I was just outside and was surprised to feel how warm the sun was on my face just days after the winter solstice.

I've got some bricks to haul into my backyard. They're 8 pounds each, I have 150. Who wants to help? Lol
That looks like to me like a vc shooting an American soldier . Look at the uniform the guy with the pistil has and skinny vc arms and the dead guy has large American looking hands and I'm not sure the vc wore camo back then.
To me this shit gets awfully old . I mean it was a long time ago and there are newer younger kids fighting and dying in new wars and I don't see them slinging post war propaganda on a every day basis .
Sorry but I get tired of seeing it .
I'm a ass .
I refuse to apologize for speaking about my service in the military. Not talking about it is part of the reason why 18 veterans a day commit suicide. For 25 years I never told anyone I was a Vietnam vet & it didn't help, it's now part of my recovery....
I refuse to apologize for speaking about my service in the military. Not talking about it is part of the reason why 18 veterans a day commit suicide. For 25 years I never told anyone I was a Vietnam vet & it didn't help, it's now part of my recovery....

Good on you, not only for the personal reasons you've already mentioned, but also because society needs to hear the truth about war.

Because we damn sure need less of it.
That looks like to me like a vc shooting an American soldier . Look at the uniform the guy with the pistil has and skinny vc arms and the dead guy has large American looking hands and I'm not sure the vc wore camo back then.
To me this shit gets awfully old . I mean it was a long time ago and there are newer younger kids fighting and dying in new wars and I don't see them slinging post war propaganda on a every day basis .
Sorry but I get tired of seeing it .
I'm a ass .

I have no sympathy for you at all on this matter.

If you don't like to hear it, there's a 'back' button for that.

What he has to say is informative and important for those who weren't there and haven't been to war to hear. ESPECIALLY if it's uncomfortable.

Surely you can find something more worthy to whine about than to hear the stories of those who fought for us?
Damn, take a few days off and the weather thread done blowed up. It's been hot and humid in Larry Land. I dig holes the last couple three days, and I sweated like just about any animal other than a pig.

Today it was foggy early, then overcast and finally sunny. At 1755 it's clear, 68F with 85% humidity. Our high was 77F today, and the forecast low for tonight is 61F with 20% chance of rain. We have a couple of rainy days coming, then a couple of days with lows in the 30's.
I went to Panama City today. Rain threatened most of the day, but it cleared up some later. At 1805 it's clear, 61F with 37% humidity. Today's high was 78F and the forecast low for tonight is 37F with no chance of rain. The next couple three days will be cooler.