Good 'Ol Backyard Growin


Well-Known Member
No Raiders fans here, Unless you like them. Then we have one lol.

Thanks. they are comin along nicely. Cant wait to smoke my first ever homegrown.


Well-Known Member
Ok, thats good, I personally can't stand the Raider's, and I love it when they come down here to get whooped on every year, lol.


Well-Known Member
Was looking at my garden while getting stoned and figured id take a few pictures. Moved my biggest one. Didnt want it catching bugs from my one in the ground, Which is COVERED in Aphids and White Flys. I need to get some neem oil.

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Feel good about this one.:weed:

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Well-Known Member
Yeah im buyin some this weekend. I should go get some today.

Nope no butterfly,just some Nugs that are filling up my main cola.


Well-Known Member
I think he is talking about this pic, looks like a white moth/butterfly right in the middle. You havent noticed any caterpillar eggs on your plants?


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah that was a flying butterfly that just happen to come through. Ive seen one out there maybe 3 times over the whole grow.

Next time im out there ima look though and make sure theres nothing. That would fuckin bum me out.


Well-Known Member
Lucky you, i have had to deal with them all summer, and they are just getting worse and worse. On the bright side the family dog hates moths, so she chases any thing that comes flying in our backyard. I have came out some mornings though, and my plant was covered in eggs. I immediately applied a spraying of BT, and it looks like none of the eggs even hatched.

Your ladies are looking good, have you been giving them any nutes or anything? Just wondering because i noticed some yellowing, which some say is normal, due to flowering, and others say is still a bad sign.

Anyhow they are looking good, looks like you should have a happy harvest.

Also, an alternative to neem oil is horticultural oil, it doesnt smell nearly as awful as the neem, and it succesfully eliminated all of my aphids, and spider mites. It only cost like 8 bucks for a bottle at home depot.


Well-Known Member
Im feeding them every 7-8 days, Maybe i should step it up. Its been 1 1/4 Tblsp of the fish emulsion per each gallon except for the big one witch got 1 tblsp of Alaskans morbloom and 1 teaspoon of the fish emulsion


Well-Known Member
So pretty much you feed/water/feed/water every 3 to 4 days. Seems reasonable to me, you could try upping it slightly, and then when you start to notice any sign of burn, dial it back a tad, so you know what the plants' limit is.


Well-Known Member
So it looks like my bug problem is getting alot better. I found a 2 praying mantises on my bug infested plant and now its about 70% better,turns out its some purple too.

My big one dropped alot of leaves. But is still flowering good i think.

The one in the buckets cola is filling in great. I think its going to be a good yielder.

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