Good or Bad? 24/0 lights during veg...


Well-Known Member
most say giving em a dark period encourages root growth, but i run 24/7, and have tried 20-4,18-6 and did not see any difference.
i recomend 24/7 to make things easier on you.


Well-Known Member
i like to give them a rest of 4-6 hrs. In the wild plants see a cyclic day and i like to replicate their real growing environment so they get some night time. Allows for a temp drop too (necessary for healthy plants) and if there is no diff btw 18/20/24hrs growth like previously stated why use more electric then necessary? Using a lil biology, also in the dark cycle/calvin cycle co2 is made into water, sugars and amino acids, depriving them of rest deprives them of growth in my opinion. Think you can function normally without sleep?


Well-Known Member
Ive had my plants on 24/0 since they sprouted and I have seen tremendous growth. I have no however grown before so I have no other info to compare to. But when i get another grow going im going to veg with 18/6 to see if my notes are any different then.


Well-Known Member
i like to give them a rest of 4-6 hrs. In the wild plants see a cyclic day and i like to replicate their real growing environment so they get some night time. Allows for a temp drop too (necessary for healthy plants) and if there is no diff btw 18/20/24hrs growth like previously stated why use more electric then necessary? Using a lil biology, also in the dark cycle/calvin cycle co2 is made into water, sugars and amino acids, depriving them of rest deprives them of growth in my opinion. Think you can function normally without sleep?
this is true, but why i recomend 24/0 is because most new growers will forget to turn there lights on/off every single day, and actually endup stressing the plant by having wacked out cycles.
this is a HUGE argument between growers lol and never will be put to rest.
i say go with whatever works best for YOU.


Well-Known Member
I personally only use 24 hour periods on clones/ cuttings
it is not natural to have light cycles that are never ending.....

Get a timer.
why would you go 24 for clones when you are trying to encourage root growth? just wondering lol

[EDIT] also, one of the main reasons of having an indoor grow is to be able to manipulate the plant in unnartual ways to have it grow the way you want.


Well-Known Member
i like to give them a rest of 4-6 hrs. In the wild plants see a cyclic day and i like to replicate their real growing environment so they get some night time. Allows for a temp drop too (necessary for healthy plants) and if there is no diff btw 18/20/24hrs growth like previously stated why use more electric then necessary? Using a lil biology, also in the dark cycle/calvin cycle co2 is made into water, sugars and amino acids, depriving them of rest deprives them of growth in my opinion. Think you can function normally without sleep?
the calvin cycle happens irrespective of whether the lights are on or not.

plants don't sleep.


Well-Known Member
the calvin cycle happens irrespective of whether the lights are on or not.

plants don't sleep.
I should add however that it takes the energy gained from photosynthesis (therefore the light) for the calvin cycle to happen in the first place. the calvin cycle is only known as a dark response because it happens independently of (even though it is a direct result of) photosynthesis. it happens when the lights are on or off... but a plant has only so much energy to last it while the lights are down. when the lights are down the plant can't make any more energy and uses the stores gained from when the lights are on.


New Member
i like to replicate nature, 18/6 then about a week of 16/8 - 14/10 before going to 12/12. but thats just my own lil special way of doin it. 24 hours light is just wasting electricity.


i have tried all types of areas to grow with indoor and i think the best is 20/4 or 18/6,depending on electric really.The plants need the dark for the root growth does increase its size after a good day of light thats why i prefer to water right before i turn off my lights to water those roots.sometimes i dont have the same routine i try different ways.lolz.


Well-Known Member
it makes sure your plants dont flip to flowering. Once these cutting show roots 3-7 they go to a 18/6. Some growers go 12/12 in clone to "flip" them over faster. This is not something i like.

quoting you...." also, one of the main reasons of having an indoor grow is to be able to manipulate the plant in unnartual ways to have it grow the way you want. " one of the main reasons to grow indoors is that it is illegal in most areas or to reduce theft.... The sun will do a fantastic job also.

I am speaking of what works well in my years of growing. despite all you do the plant will mature and die. More lumens makes biggger better buds not hours of light.


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend 18/6 as I started on 24/7 and noticed considerable growth after the dark periods were introduced. I'm a believer that they like to sleep. It's too the point now where there leaves will droop when it's time for lights out even if the light was accidentily left on


Active Member
I run mothers and clones on 24/0, but then I drop my clones straight into flower. My mothers grow strong and quick, and my clones show roots out the side in 10 days regularly. I'm sure different strains react differently, but with 24/0 I've seen no problems.